Module adnmtf.estimator
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import logging
import numpy as np
from .nmtf_utils import StatusBox, build_clusters, global_sign
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO (pcotte): typing
class Estimator:
Estimator object. Created by `nmtf.nmtf.NMTF.fit_transform`, and updated by `nmtf.nmtf.NMTF.predict` and
`nmtf.nmtf.NMTF.fit_transform.permutation_test_score`. The same Estimator class is used both by NMF and NTF, the
difference will be that some attributes will be None in the case of NMF.
w: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
Solution to the non-negative least squares problem.
h: array-like, shape (n_components, n_features)
Solution to the non-negative least squares problem.
q: array-like, shape (n_blocks, n_components)
Only for NTF. Solution to the non-negative least squares problem.
volume: scalar, volume occupied by W and H
wb: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
A sample is clustered in cluster k if its leverage on component k is higher than on any other
components. During each run of the bootstrap, samples are re-clustered.
Each row of WB contains the frequencies of the n_components clusters following the bootstrap.
Only if n_bootstrap > 0.
hb: array-like, shape (n_components, n_features)
A feature is clustered in cluster k if its leverage on component k is higher than on any other
components. During each run of the bootstrap, features are re-clustered.
Each row of HB contains the frequencies of the n_components clusters following the bootstrap.
Only if n_bootstrap > 0.
b: array-like, shape (n_observations, n_components) or (n_features, n_components)
Only for NMF and only if active convex variant, H = B.T @ X or W = X @ B
diff: scalar, objective minimum achieved
wl: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Sample leverage on each component\n
hl: array-like, shape (n_features, n_components)\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Feature leverage on each component\n
ql: array-like, shape (n_blocks, n_components)\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Block leverage on each component (NTF only)\n
wr: vector-like, shape (n_samples)\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Ranked sample indexes (by cluster and leverage or stability)
Used to produce ordered heatmaps\n
hr: vector-like, shape (n_features)\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Ranked feature indexes (by cluster and leverage or stability)
Used to produce ordered heatmaps\n
wn: vector-like, shape (n_components)\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Sample cluster bounds in ordered heatmap\n
hn: vector-like, shape (n_components)\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Feature cluster bounds in ordered heatmap\n
wc: vector-like, shape (n_samples)\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Sample assigned cluster\n
hc: vector-like, shape (n_features)\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Feature assigned cluster\n
qc: vector-like, shape (size(blocks))\n
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Block assigned cluster (NTF only)
score: float
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The true score without permuting targets.
pvalue: float
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The p-value, which approximates the probability that
the score would be obtained by chance.
cs: array-like, shape(n_components)
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The size of each cluster
cp: array-like, shape(n_components)
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The pvalue of the most significant group within each
cg: array-like, shape(n_components)
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The index of the most significant group within each
cn: array-like, shape(n_components, n_groups)
Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The size of each group within each cluster
def __init__(self, w, h, volume, diff, leverage, verbose, wb=None, hb=None, b=None, q=None):
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.volume = volume
self.wb = wb
self.hb = hb
self.diff = diff
self.leverage = leverage
self.verbose = verbose
self.b = b
self.q = q
self.wl = None
self.hl = None
self.wr = None = None
self.wn = None = None
self.wc = None
self.hc = None
self.ql = None
self.qc = None
self.score = None
self.pvalue = None
self.cs = None
self.cp = None = None = None
if q is None:
self.kind = "nmf"
self.kind = "ntf"
if b is not None and self.kind == "ntf":
raise ValueError("NTF estimator can not have 'b' attribute")
def predict(self, blocks=None, cluster_by_stability=False, custom_order=False):
"""Derives from factorization result ordered sample and feature indexes for future use in ordered heatmaps
blocks: array-like, shape(n_blocks), default None
Size of each block (if any) in ordered heatmap.
cluster_by_stability: boolean, default False
Use stability instead of leverage to assign samples/features to clusters
custom_order: boolean, default False
if False samples/features with highest leverage or stability appear on top of each cluster
if True within cluster ordering is modified to suggest a continuum between adjacent clusters
mt = self.w
mw = self.h
if self.kind == "ntf":
# X is a 3D tensor, in unfolded form of a 2D array
# horizontal concatenation of blocks of equal size.
mb = self.q
nmf_algo = "ntf"
n_blocks = mb.shape[0]
blk_size = mw.shape[0] * np.ones(n_blocks)
mb = np.array([])
nmf_algo = "nmf"
if blocks is None:
n_blocks = 1
blk_size = np.array([mw.shape[0]])
n_blocks = blocks.shape[0]
blk_size = blocks
if self.wb is not None:
mt_pct = self.wb
mt_pct = None
if self.hb is not None:
mw_pct = self.hb
mw_pct = None
if self.leverage == "standard":
nmf_calculate_leverage = 1
nmf_use_robust_leverage = 0
elif self.leverage == "robust":
nmf_calculate_leverage = 1
nmf_use_robust_leverage = 1
nmf_calculate_leverage = 0
nmf_use_robust_leverage = 0
if cluster_by_stability is True:
nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability = 1
nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability = 0
if custom_order is True:
cell_plot_ordered_clusters = 1
cell_plot_ordered_clusters = 0
add_message = []
my_status_box = StatusBox(verbose=self.verbose)
) = build_clusters(
for message in add_message:
# TODO (pcotte): this function is not called by any pytest. Make a pytest calling it.
def permutation_test_score(self, y, n_permutations=100):
"""Derives from factorization result ordered sample and feature indexes for future use in ordered heatmaps
y: array-like, group to be predicted
n_permutations: integer, default: 100
mt = self.w
r_ct = self.wr
n_ct = self.wn
row_groups = y
uniques, index = np.unique([row for row in row_groups], return_index=True)
list_groups = row_groups[index]
nb_groups = list_groups.shape[0]
ngroup = np.zeros(nb_groups)
for group in range(0, nb_groups):
ngroup[group] = np.where(row_groups == list_groups[group])[0].shape[0]
nrun = n_permutations
my_status_box = StatusBox(verbose=self.verbose)
cluster_size, pglob, prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup, cancel_pressed = global_sign(
nrun, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup, my_status_box
def update(self, **kwargs):
"""Updates this estimator's attributes according to given keyword arguments. Only attributes already defined
in the estimator can be updated this way."""
for item in kwargs:
if not hasattr(self, item):
raise ValueError(f"Can not update attribute '{item}'")
setattr(self, item, kwargs.get(item))
class Estimator (w, h, volume, diff, leverage, verbose, wb=None, hb=None, b=None, q=None)
Estimator object. Created by
, and updated bynmtf.nmtf.NMTF.predict
. The same Estimator class is used both by NMF and NTF, the difference will be that some attributes will be None in the case of NMF.Attributes
:array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
- Solution to the non-negative least squares problem.
:array-like, shape (n_components, n_features)
- Solution to the non-negative least squares problem.
:array-like, shape (n_blocks, n_components)
- Only for NTF. Solution to the non-negative least squares problem.
:scalar, volume occupied by W and H
:array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
- A sample is clustered in cluster k if its leverage on component k is higher than on any other components. During each run of the bootstrap, samples are re-clustered. Each row of WB contains the frequencies of the n_components clusters following the bootstrap. Only if n_bootstrap > 0.
:array-like, shape (n_components, n_features)
- A feature is clustered in cluster k if its leverage on component k is higher than on any other components. During each run of the bootstrap, features are re-clustered. Each row of HB contains the frequencies of the n_components clusters following the bootstrap. Only if n_bootstrap > 0.
:array-like, shape (n_observations, n_components)
or(n_features, n_components)
- Only for NMF and only if active convex variant, H = B.T @ X or W = X @ B
:scalar, objective minimum achieved
:array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
- Set by
. Sample leverage on each component hl
:array-like, shape (n_features, n_components)
- Set by
. Feature leverage on each component ql
:array-like, shape (n_blocks, n_components)
- Set by
. Block leverage on each component (NTF only) wr
:vector-like, shape (n_samples)
- Set by
. Ranked sample indexes (by cluster and leverage or stability) Used to produce ordered heatmaps hr
:vector-like, shape (n_features)
- Set by
. Ranked feature indexes (by cluster and leverage or stability) Used to produce ordered heatmaps wn
:vector-like, shape (n_components)
- Set by
. Sample cluster bounds in ordered heatmap hn
:vector-like, shape (n_components)
- Set by
. Feature cluster bounds in ordered heatmap wc
:vector-like, shape (n_samples)
- Set by
. Sample assigned cluster hc
:vector-like, shape (n_features)
- Set by
. Feature assigned cluster qc
:vector-like, shape (size(blocks))
- Set by
. Block assigned cluster (NTF only) score
- Set by
. The true score without permuting targets. pvalue
- Set by
. The p-value, which approximates the probability that the score would be obtained by chance. cs
:array-like, shape(n_components)
- Set by
. The size of each cluster cp
:array-like, shape(n_components)
- Set by
. The pvalue of the most significant group within each cluster cg
:array-like, shape(n_components)
- Set by
. The index of the most significant group within each cluster cn
:array-like, shape(n_components, n_groups)
- Set by
. The size of each group within each cluster
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class Estimator: """ Estimator object. Created by `nmtf.nmtf.NMTF.fit_transform`, and updated by `nmtf.nmtf.NMTF.predict` and `nmtf.nmtf.NMTF.fit_transform.permutation_test_score`. The same Estimator class is used both by NMF and NTF, the difference will be that some attributes will be None in the case of NMF. Attributes ------- w: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components) Solution to the non-negative least squares problem. h: array-like, shape (n_components, n_features) Solution to the non-negative least squares problem. q: array-like, shape (n_blocks, n_components) Only for NTF. Solution to the non-negative least squares problem. volume: scalar, volume occupied by W and H wb: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components) A sample is clustered in cluster k if its leverage on component k is higher than on any other components. During each run of the bootstrap, samples are re-clustered. Each row of WB contains the frequencies of the n_components clusters following the bootstrap. Only if n_bootstrap > 0. hb: array-like, shape (n_components, n_features) A feature is clustered in cluster k if its leverage on component k is higher than on any other components. During each run of the bootstrap, features are re-clustered. Each row of HB contains the frequencies of the n_components clusters following the bootstrap. Only if n_bootstrap > 0. b: array-like, shape (n_observations, n_components) or (n_features, n_components) Only for NMF and only if active convex variant, H = B.T @ X or W = X @ B diff: scalar, objective minimum achieved wl: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Sample leverage on each component\n hl: array-like, shape (n_features, n_components)\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Feature leverage on each component\n ql: array-like, shape (n_blocks, n_components)\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Block leverage on each component (NTF only)\n wr: vector-like, shape (n_samples)\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Ranked sample indexes (by cluster and leverage or stability) Used to produce ordered heatmaps\n hr: vector-like, shape (n_features)\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Ranked feature indexes (by cluster and leverage or stability) Used to produce ordered heatmaps\n wn: vector-like, shape (n_components)\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Sample cluster bounds in ordered heatmap\n hn: vector-like, shape (n_components)\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Feature cluster bounds in ordered heatmap\n wc: vector-like, shape (n_samples)\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Sample assigned cluster\n hc: vector-like, shape (n_features)\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Feature assigned cluster\n qc: vector-like, shape (size(blocks))\n Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.predict`. Block assigned cluster (NTF only) score: float Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The true score without permuting targets. pvalue: float Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The p-value, which approximates the probability that the score would be obtained by chance. cs: array-like, shape(n_components) Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The size of each cluster cp: array-like, shape(n_components) Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The pvalue of the most significant group within each cluster cg: array-like, shape(n_components) Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The index of the most significant group within each cluster cn: array-like, shape(n_components, n_groups) Set by `nmtf.estimator.Estimator.permutation_test_score`. The size of each group within each cluster """ def __init__(self, w, h, volume, diff, leverage, verbose, wb=None, hb=None, b=None, q=None): self.w = w self.h = h self.volume = volume self.wb = wb self.hb = hb self.diff = diff self.leverage = leverage self.verbose = verbose self.b = b self.q = q self.wl = None self.hl = None self.wr = None = None self.wn = None = None self.wc = None self.hc = None self.ql = None self.qc = None self.score = None self.pvalue = None self.cs = None self.cp = None = None = None if q is None: self.kind = "nmf" else: self.kind = "ntf" if b is not None and self.kind == "ntf": raise ValueError("NTF estimator can not have 'b' attribute") def predict(self, blocks=None, cluster_by_stability=False, custom_order=False): """Derives from factorization result ordered sample and feature indexes for future use in ordered heatmaps Parameters ---------- blocks: array-like, shape(n_blocks), default None Size of each block (if any) in ordered heatmap. cluster_by_stability: boolean, default False Use stability instead of leverage to assign samples/features to clusters custom_order: boolean, default False if False samples/features with highest leverage or stability appear on top of each cluster if True within cluster ordering is modified to suggest a continuum between adjacent clusters """ mt = self.w mw = self.h if self.kind == "ntf": # X is a 3D tensor, in unfolded form of a 2D array # horizontal concatenation of blocks of equal size. mb = self.q nmf_algo = "ntf" n_blocks = mb.shape[0] blk_size = mw.shape[0] * np.ones(n_blocks) else: mb = np.array([]) nmf_algo = "nmf" if blocks is None: n_blocks = 1 blk_size = np.array([mw.shape[0]]) else: n_blocks = blocks.shape[0] blk_size = blocks if self.wb is not None: mt_pct = self.wb else: mt_pct = None if self.hb is not None: mw_pct = self.hb else: mw_pct = None if self.leverage == "standard": nmf_calculate_leverage = 1 nmf_use_robust_leverage = 0 elif self.leverage == "robust": nmf_calculate_leverage = 1 nmf_use_robust_leverage = 1 else: nmf_calculate_leverage = 0 nmf_use_robust_leverage = 0 if cluster_by_stability is True: nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability = 1 else: nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability = 0 if custom_order is True: cell_plot_ordered_clusters = 1 else: cell_plot_ordered_clusters = 0 add_message = [] my_status_box = StatusBox(verbose=self.verbose) ( mtn, mwn, mbn, r_ct, r_cw, n_ct, n_cw, row_clust, col_clust, block_clust, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed, ) = build_clusters( mt=mt, mw=mw, mb=mb, mt_pct=mt_pct, mw_pct=mw_pct, n_blocks=n_blocks, blk_size=blk_size, nmf_calculate_leverage=nmf_calculate_leverage, nmf_use_robust_leverage=nmf_use_robust_leverage, nmf_algo=nmf_algo, nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability=nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability, cell_plot_ordered_clusters=cell_plot_ordered_clusters, add_message=add_message, my_status_box=my_status_box, ) for message in add_message: my_status_box.close() self.update( wl=mtn, hl=mwn, wr=r_ct, hr=r_cw, wn=n_ct, hn=n_cw, wc=row_clust, hc=col_clust, ql=mbn, qc=block_clust ) # TODO (pcotte): this function is not called by any pytest. Make a pytest calling it. def permutation_test_score(self, y, n_permutations=100): """Derives from factorization result ordered sample and feature indexes for future use in ordered heatmaps Parameters ---------- y: array-like, group to be predicted n_permutations: integer, default: 100 """ mt = self.w r_ct = self.wr n_ct = self.wn row_groups = y uniques, index = np.unique([row for row in row_groups], return_index=True) list_groups = row_groups[index] nb_groups = list_groups.shape[0] ngroup = np.zeros(nb_groups) for group in range(0, nb_groups): ngroup[group] = np.where(row_groups == list_groups[group])[0].shape[0] nrun = n_permutations my_status_box = StatusBox(verbose=self.verbose) cluster_size, pglob, prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup, cancel_pressed = global_sign( nrun, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup, my_status_box ) self.update( score=prun, pvalue=pglob, cs=cluster_size, cp=cluster_prob, cg=cluster_group, cn=cluster_ngroup, ) def update(self, **kwargs): """Updates this estimator's attributes according to given keyword arguments. Only attributes already defined in the estimator can be updated this way.""" for item in kwargs: if not hasattr(self, item): raise ValueError(f"Can not update attribute '{item}'") setattr(self, item, kwargs.get(item))
def permutation_test_score(self, y, n_permutations=100)
Derives from factorization result ordered sample and feature indexes for future use in ordered heatmaps
:array-like, group to be predicted
, default: 100
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def permutation_test_score(self, y, n_permutations=100): """Derives from factorization result ordered sample and feature indexes for future use in ordered heatmaps Parameters ---------- y: array-like, group to be predicted n_permutations: integer, default: 100 """ mt = self.w r_ct = self.wr n_ct = self.wn row_groups = y uniques, index = np.unique([row for row in row_groups], return_index=True) list_groups = row_groups[index] nb_groups = list_groups.shape[0] ngroup = np.zeros(nb_groups) for group in range(0, nb_groups): ngroup[group] = np.where(row_groups == list_groups[group])[0].shape[0] nrun = n_permutations my_status_box = StatusBox(verbose=self.verbose) cluster_size, pglob, prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup, cancel_pressed = global_sign( nrun, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup, my_status_box ) self.update( score=prun, pvalue=pglob, cs=cluster_size, cp=cluster_prob, cg=cluster_group, cn=cluster_ngroup, )
def predict(self, blocks=None, cluster_by_stability=False, custom_order=False)
Derives from factorization result ordered sample and feature indexes for future use in ordered heatmaps
:array-like, shape(n_blocks)
, defaultNone
- Size of each block (if any) in ordered heatmap.
, defaultFalse
- Use stability instead of leverage to assign samples/features to clusters
, defaultFalse
- if False samples/features with highest leverage or stability appear on top of each cluster if True within cluster ordering is modified to suggest a continuum between adjacent clusters
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def predict(self, blocks=None, cluster_by_stability=False, custom_order=False): """Derives from factorization result ordered sample and feature indexes for future use in ordered heatmaps Parameters ---------- blocks: array-like, shape(n_blocks), default None Size of each block (if any) in ordered heatmap. cluster_by_stability: boolean, default False Use stability instead of leverage to assign samples/features to clusters custom_order: boolean, default False if False samples/features with highest leverage or stability appear on top of each cluster if True within cluster ordering is modified to suggest a continuum between adjacent clusters """ mt = self.w mw = self.h if self.kind == "ntf": # X is a 3D tensor, in unfolded form of a 2D array # horizontal concatenation of blocks of equal size. mb = self.q nmf_algo = "ntf" n_blocks = mb.shape[0] blk_size = mw.shape[0] * np.ones(n_blocks) else: mb = np.array([]) nmf_algo = "nmf" if blocks is None: n_blocks = 1 blk_size = np.array([mw.shape[0]]) else: n_blocks = blocks.shape[0] blk_size = blocks if self.wb is not None: mt_pct = self.wb else: mt_pct = None if self.hb is not None: mw_pct = self.hb else: mw_pct = None if self.leverage == "standard": nmf_calculate_leverage = 1 nmf_use_robust_leverage = 0 elif self.leverage == "robust": nmf_calculate_leverage = 1 nmf_use_robust_leverage = 1 else: nmf_calculate_leverage = 0 nmf_use_robust_leverage = 0 if cluster_by_stability is True: nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability = 1 else: nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability = 0 if custom_order is True: cell_plot_ordered_clusters = 1 else: cell_plot_ordered_clusters = 0 add_message = [] my_status_box = StatusBox(verbose=self.verbose) ( mtn, mwn, mbn, r_ct, r_cw, n_ct, n_cw, row_clust, col_clust, block_clust, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed, ) = build_clusters( mt=mt, mw=mw, mb=mb, mt_pct=mt_pct, mw_pct=mw_pct, n_blocks=n_blocks, blk_size=blk_size, nmf_calculate_leverage=nmf_calculate_leverage, nmf_use_robust_leverage=nmf_use_robust_leverage, nmf_algo=nmf_algo, nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability=nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability, cell_plot_ordered_clusters=cell_plot_ordered_clusters, add_message=add_message, my_status_box=my_status_box, ) for message in add_message: my_status_box.close() self.update( wl=mtn, hl=mwn, wr=r_ct, hr=r_cw, wn=n_ct, hn=n_cw, wc=row_clust, hc=col_clust, ql=mbn, qc=block_clust )
def update(self, **kwargs)
Updates this estimator's attributes according to given keyword arguments. Only attributes already defined in the estimator can be updated this way.
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def update(self, **kwargs): """Updates this estimator's attributes according to given keyword arguments. Only attributes already defined in the estimator can be updated this way.""" for item in kwargs: if not hasattr(self, item): raise ValueError(f"Can not update attribute '{item}'") setattr(self, item, kwargs.get(item))