Module adnmtf.nmtf_utils
Non-negative matrix and tensor factorization utility functions
Expand source code
"""Non-negative matrix and tensor factorization utility functions
# Author: Paul Fogel
# License: MIT
# Jan 4, '20
from tqdm import tqdm
import math
from scipy.stats import hypergeom
import logging
import numpy as np
EPSILON = np.finfo(np.float32).eps
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO (pcotte) typing
class StatusBox:
def __init__(self, verbose=0):
self.log_iter = verbose
if self.log_iter == 0:
self.pbar = tqdm(total=100)
self.cancel_pressed = False
def update_bar(self, step=1):
if self.log_iter == 0:
def init_bar(self):
if self.log_iter == 0:
self.pbar.n = 0
def update_status(self, status=""):
if self.log_iter == 0:
self.pbar.set_description(status, refresh=False)
def close(self):
if self.log_iter == 0:
def my_print(self, status=""):
if self.log_iter == 1:
status_box = StatusBox
def set_status_box(use_tkinter):
global status_box
if use_tkinter:
from tkinter import Tk, Frame, StringVar, Label, ttk, Button, NONE, HORIZONTAL
tkinter_ok = True
except ImportError:
tkinter_ok = False
tkinter_ok = False
if tkinter_ok:
class StatusBoxTKinter:
def __init__(self, verbose=0):
self.log_iter = verbose
self.root = Tk()
self.root.title('irMF status - Python kernel')
self.root.minsize(width=230, height=60)
self.frame = Frame(self.root, borderwidth=6)
self.var = StringVar()
self.status = Label(self.frame, textvariable=self.var, width=60, height=1)
self.status.pack(fill=NONE, padx=6, pady=6)
self.pbar = ttk.Progressbar(self.frame, orient=HORIZONTAL, max=100, mode='determinate')
self.pbar.pack(fill=NONE, padx=6, pady=6)
Button(self.frame, text='Cancel', command=self.close_dialog).pack(fill=NONE, padx=6, pady=6)
self.cancel_pressed = False
self.n_steps = 0
def close_dialog(self):
self.cancel_pressed = True
def update_bar(self, delay=1, step=1):
self.n_steps += step
self.pbar.after(delay, lambda: self.root.quit())
def init_bar(self, delay=1):
self.update_bar(delay=1, step=100 - self.n_steps)
self.n_steps = 0
def update_status(self, delay=1, status=''):
self.status.after(delay, lambda: self.root.quit())
def close(self):
def myPrint(self, status=''):
status_box = StatusBoxTKinter
def get_status_box():
return status_box
def nmf_det(mt, mw, nmf_exact_det):
"""Volume occupied by Left and Right factoring vectors
Left hand matrix
Right hand matrix
if = 0 compute an approximate determinant in reduced space n x n or p x p through random sampling in the largest
P. Fogel et al (2016) Applications of a Novel Clustering Approach Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to
Environmental Research in Public Health Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 509
n, nc = mt.shape
p, nc = mw.shape
nxp = n * p
if (nmf_exact_det > 0) | (n == p):
xcells = np.zeros((nxp, nc))
for k in range(0, nc):
xcells[:, k] = np.reshape(np.reshape(mt[:, k], (n, 1)) @ np.reshape(mw[:, k], (1, p)), nxp)
norm_k = np.linalg.norm(xcells[:, k])
if norm_k > 0:
xcells[:, k] = xcells[:, k] / norm_k
xcells[:, k] = 0
if n > p:
xcells = np.zeros((p ** 2, nc))
theid = np.arange(n)
theid = theid[0:p]
for k in range(0, nc):
xcells[:, k] = np.reshape(np.reshape(mt[theid, k], (p, 1)) @ np.reshape(mw[:, k], (1, p)), p ** 2)
norm_k = np.linalg.norm(xcells[:, k])
if norm_k > 0:
xcells[:, k] = xcells[:, k] / norm_k
xcells[:, k] = 0
xcells = np.zeros((n ** 2, nc))
theid = np.arange(p)
theid = theid[0:n]
for k in range(0, nc):
xcells[:, k] = np.reshape(np.reshape(mt[:, k], (n, 1)) @ np.reshape(mw[theid, k], (1, n)), n ** 2)
norm_k = np.linalg.norm(xcells[:, k])
if norm_k > 0:
xcells[:, k] = xcells[:, k] / norm_k
xcells[:, k] = 0
det_xcells = np.linalg.det(xcells.T @ xcells)
return det_xcells
def robust_max(v0, add_message, my_status_box):
"""Robust max of column vectors
For each column:
= weighted mean of column elements larger than 95% percentile
for each row, weight = specificity of the column value wrt other columns
v0: column vectors
add_message: List[str]
Robust max by column
P. Fogel et al (2016) Applications of a Novel Clustering Approach Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to
Environmental Research in Public Health Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 509 doi:10.3390/ijerph13050509
err_message = ""
cancel_pressed = 0
v = v0.copy()
n, nc = v.shape
if nc > 1:
nc_i = 1 / nc
lnnc_i = 1 / math.log(nc)
ind = max(math.ceil(n * 0.05) - 1, min(n - 1, 2))
scale = np.max(v, axis=0)
for k in range(0, nc):
v[:, k] = v[:, k] / scale[k]
rob_max = np.max(v, axis=0)
rob_max0 = 1e99 * np.ones(nc)
i_iter = 0
max_iterations = 100
pbar_step = 100 / max_iterations
while ((np.linalg.norm(rob_max - rob_max0) / np.linalg.norm(rob_max)) ** 2 > 1e-6) & (i_iter < max_iterations):
for k in range(0, nc):
v = v[np.argsort(-v[:, k]), :]
if nc > 1:
den = np.repeat(np.sum(v, axis=1), nc).reshape((n, nc))
den[den == 0] = 1.0e-10
prob = v / den
prob[prob == 0] = 1.0e-10
# TODO (pcotte) lnnc_i and nc_i could have not been assigned yet. Fix that.
specificity = np.ones(n) + np.sum(prob * np.log(prob), axis=1) * lnnc_i
specificity[prob[:, k] < nc_i] = 0
specificity = np.ones(n)
specificity[ind:n] = 0
rob_max0[k] = rob_max[k]
rob_max[k] = np.sum(v[:, k] * specificity) / np.sum(specificity)
v[v[:, k] > rob_max[k], k] = rob_max[k]
if my_status_box.cancel_pressed:
cancel_pressed = 1
return rob_max * scale, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed
i_iter += 1
if i_iter == max_iterations:
add_message.insert(len(add_message), f"Warning: Max iterations reached while calculating robust max (N = {n})")
return rob_max * scale, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed
def calc_leverage(v, nmf_use_robust_leverage, add_message, my_status_box):
"""Calculate leverages
v: Input column vectors
nmf_use_robust_leverage: Estimate robust through columns of V
vn: Leveraged column vectors
P. Fogel et al (2016) Applications of a Novel Clustering Approach Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to
Environmental Research in Public Health Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 509 doi:10.3390/ijerph13050509
err_message = ""
cancel_pressed = 0
n, nc = v.shape
vn = np.zeros((n, nc))
vr = np.zeros((n, nc))
if nmf_use_robust_leverage > 0:
max_v, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed = robust_max(v, add_message, my_status_box)
if cancel_pressed == 1:
return vn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed
max_v = np.max(v, axis=0)
pbar_step = 100 / nc
for k in range(0, nc):
vr[v[:, k] > 0, k] = 1
vn[:, k] = max_v[k] - v[:, k]
vn[vn[:, k] < 0, k] = 0
vn[:, k] = vn[:, k] ** 2
for k2 in range(0, nc):
if k2 != k:
vn[:, k] = vn[:, k] + v[:, k2] ** 2
status = f"Leverage: Comp {k + 1}"
if my_status_box.cancel_pressed:
cancel_pressed = 1
return vn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed
vn = 10 ** (-vn / (2 * np.mean(vn))) * vr
return vn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed
def build_clusters(
"""Builder clusters from leverages"""
n_blocks = int(n_blocks)
my_status_box.update_status(status="Build clusters...")
err_message = ""
cancel_pressed = 0
n, nc = np.shape(mt)
p = np.shape(mw)[0]
if nmf_algo == "ntf":
block_clust = np.zeros(n_blocks)
elif nmf_algo == "nmf":
block_clust = np.array([])
raise ValueError(f"Unknown algo '{nmf_algo}'")
r_ct = np.zeros(n)
r_cw = np.zeros(p)
n_ct = np.zeros(nc)
n_cw = np.zeros(n_blocks * nc)
row_clust = np.zeros(n)
col_clust = np.zeros(p)
ilast = 0
jlast = 0
if nmf_calculate_leverage == 1:
my_status_box.update_status(status="Leverages - Left components...")
mtn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed = calc_leverage(
mt, nmf_use_robust_leverage, add_message, my_status_box
my_status_box.update_status(status="Leverages - Right components...")
mwn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed = calc_leverage(
mw, nmf_use_robust_leverage, add_message, my_status_box
if nmf_algo == "ntf":
my_status_box.update_status(status="Leverages - Block components...")
mbn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed = calc_leverage(
mb, nmf_use_robust_leverage, add_message, my_status_box
mbn = None
mtn = mt
mwn = mw
if nmf_algo == "ntf":
mbn = mb
mbn = None
if nmf_algo == "ntf":
for i_block in range(0, n_blocks):
if nc > 1:
block_clust[i_block] = np.argmax(mbn[i_block, :]) + 1
block_clust[i_block] = 1
for i in range(0, n):
if nc > 1:
if (isinstance(mt_pct, np.ndarray)) & (nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability > 0):
row_clust[i] = np.argmax(mt_pct[i, :]) + 1
row_clust[i] = np.argmax(mtn[i, :]) + 1
row_clust[i] = 1
for j in range(0, p):
if nc > 1:
if (isinstance(mw_pct, np.ndarray)) & (nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability > 0):
col_clust[j] = np.argmax(mw_pct[j, :]) + 1
col_clust[j] = np.argmax(mwn[j, :]) + 1
col_clust[j] = 1
if (cell_plot_ordered_clusters == 1) & (nc >= 3):
mt_s = np.zeros(n)
mw_s = np.zeros(p)
for i in range(0, n):
if row_clust[i] == 1:
mt_s[i] = sum(k * mtn[i, k] for k in range(0, 2)) / max(sum(mtn[i, k] for k in range(0, 2)), 1.0e-10)
elif row_clust[i] == nc:
mt_s[i] = sum(k * mtn[i, k] for k in range(nc - 2, nc)) / max(
sum(mtn[i, k] for k in range(nc - 2, nc)), 1.0e-10
mt_s[i] = sum(k * mtn[i, k] for k in range(int(row_clust[i] - 2), int(row_clust[i] + 1))) / max(
sum(mtn[i, k] for k in range(int(row_clust[i] - 2), int(row_clust[i] + 1))), 1.0e-10
for j in range(0, p):
if col_clust[j] == 1:
mw_s[j] = sum(k * mwn[j, k] for k in range(0, 2)) / max(sum(mwn[j, k] for k in range(0, 2)), 1.0e-10)
elif col_clust[j] == nc:
mw_s[j] = sum(k * mwn[j, k] for k in range(nc - 2, nc)) / max(
sum(mwn[j, k] for k in range(nc - 2, nc)), 1.0e-10
mw_s[j] = sum(k * mwn[j, k] for k in range(int(col_clust[j] - 2), int(col_clust[j] + 1))) / max(
sum(mwn[j, k] for k in range(int(col_clust[j] - 2), int(col_clust[j] + 1))), 1.0e-10
for k in range(0, nc):
mindex1 = np.where(row_clust == k + 1)[0]
if len(mindex1) > 0:
if len(mindex1) == 1:
mindex = (mindex1,)
elif (nc == 2) & (k == 1):
mindex = mindex1[np.argsort(mtn[mindex1, k])]
elif (cell_plot_ordered_clusters == 1) & (nc >= 3):
# TODO (pcotte): mt_s could have not been assigned yet. Fix that.
mindex = mindex1[np.argsort(mt_s[mindex1])]
mindex = mindex1[np.argsort(-mtn[mindex1, k])]
r_ct[ilast: len(mindex) + ilast] = mindex
ilast += len(mindex)
n_ct[k] = ilast
for i_block in range(0, n_blocks):
if i_block == 0:
j1 = 0
j2 = int(abs(blk_size[i_block]))
# TODO (pcotte): j2 could have not been assigned yet. Fix that.
j1 = j2
j2 += int(abs(blk_size[i_block]))
for k in range(0, nc):
mindex2 = np.where(col_clust[j1:j2] == k + 1)[0]
if len(mindex2) > 0:
mindex2 = mindex2 + j1
if len(mindex2) == 1:
mindex = mindex2
elif (nc == 2) & (k == 1):
mindex = mindex2[np.argsort(mwn[mindex2, k])]
elif (cell_plot_ordered_clusters == 1) & (nc >= 3):
# TODO (pcotte): mw_s could have not been assigned yet. Fix that.
mindex = mindex2[np.argsort(mw_s[mindex2])]
mindex = mindex2[np.argsort(-mwn[mindex2, k])]
r_cw[jlast: len(mindex) + jlast] = mindex
jlast += len(mindex)
n_cw[i_block * nc + k] = jlast
return (
def cluster_pvalues(cluster_size, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup):
"""Calculate Pvalue of each group versus cluster"""
n, nc = mt.shape
cluster_size = cluster_size.astype(
nb_groups = int(nb_groups)
r_ct = r_ct.astype(
n_ct = n_ct.astype(
cluster_size = np.reshape(cluster_size, nc)
r_ct = np.reshape(r_ct, (n,))
n_ct = np.reshape(n_ct, (nc,))
row_groups = np.reshape(row_groups, (n,))
cluster_group = np.zeros(nc)
cluster_prob = np.zeros(nc)
cluster_ngroup = np.zeros((nc, nb_groups))
cluster_n_wgroup = np.zeros((nc, nb_groups))
prun = 0
for k in range(0, nc):
if cluster_size[k] > 0:
# Find main group (only if clustersize>2)
kfound0 = 0
for i_group in range(0, nb_groups):
if k == 0:
mx = np.where(row_groups[r_ct[0: n_ct[0]]] == list_groups[i_group])[0]
if len(mx) >= 1:
cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] = np.sum(mt[r_ct[0: n_ct[0]][mx], k])
cluster_ngroup[k, i_group] = len(mx)
mx = np.where(row_groups[r_ct[n_ct[k - 1]: n_ct[k]]] == list_groups[i_group])[0]
if len(mx) >= 1:
cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] = np.sum(mt[r_ct[n_ct[k - 1]: n_ct[k]][mx], k])
cluster_ngroup[k, i_group] = len(mx)
if cluster_ngroup[k, i_group] > kfound0:
kfound0 = cluster_ngroup[k, i_group]
cluster_group[k] = i_group
sum_cluster_n_wgroup = sum(cluster_n_wgroup[k, :])
for i_group in range(0, nb_groups):
cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] = cluster_size[k] * cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] / sum_cluster_n_wgroup
for i_group in range(0, nb_groups):
cluster_ngroup[k, i_group] = 0
cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] = 0
cluster_group[k] = 1
for k in range(0, nc):
if cluster_size[k] > 2:
cluster_prob[k] = hypergeom.sf(
cluster_ngroup[k, int(cluster_group[k])], n, ngroup[int(cluster_group[k])], cluster_size[k], loc=0
) + hypergeom.pmf(
cluster_ngroup[k, int(cluster_group[k])], n, ngroup[int(cluster_group[k])], cluster_size[k], loc=0
cluster_prob[k] = 1
for k in range(0, nc):
for i_group in range(0, nb_groups):
if cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group]:
prun += cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] * math.log(
cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] / (cluster_size[k] * ngroup[i_group] / n)
return prun, cluster_group, cluster_prob, cluster_ngroup, cluster_n_wgroup
def global_sign(nrun, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup, my_status_box):
"""Calculate global significance of association with a covariate
following multiple factorization trials
n, nc = mt.shape
nrun = int(nrun)
nb_groups = int(nb_groups)
r_ct = r_ct.astype(
n_ct = n_ct.astype(
cluster_size = np.zeros(nc)
r_ct = np.reshape(r_ct, n)
n_ct = np.reshape(n_ct, nc)
cancel_pressed = 0
for k in range(0, nc):
if k == 0:
cluster_size[k] = n_ct[0]
cluster_size[k] = n_ct[k] - n_ct[k - 1]
if nb_groups > 1:
row_groups = np.reshape(row_groups, (n,))
step_iter = np.round(nrun / 10)
pbar_step = 10
pglob = 1
for irun in range(0, nrun):
if irun % step_iter == 0:
my_status_box.update_status(status=f"Calculating global significance: {irun}/{nrun}")
if my_status_box.cancel_pressed:
cancel_pressed = 1
# TODO (pcotte): prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup could have
# not been assigned yet. Fix that.
return cluster_size, pglob, prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup, cancel_pressed
prun, cluster_group, cluster_prob, cluster_ngroup, ClusterNWgroup = cluster_pvalues(
cluster_size, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup
if irun == 0:
cluster_prob0 = np.copy(cluster_prob)
cluster_group0 = np.copy(cluster_group)
cluster_ngroup0 = np.copy(cluster_ngroup)
row_groups0 = np.copy(row_groups)
prun0 = prun
# TODO (pcotte): prun0 could have not been assigned yet. Fix that.
if prun >= prun0:
pglob += 1
if irun < nrun - 1:
# permute row groups
# TODO (pcotte): row_groups0 could have not been assigned yet. Fix that.
row_groups = row_groups0[np.random.permutation(n)]
# Restore
# TODO (pcotte): cluster_prob0, cluster_group0, cluster_ngroup0 could have not been assigned yet.
# Fix that.
cluster_prob = cluster_prob0
cluster_group = cluster_group0
cluster_ngroup = cluster_ngroup0
row_groups = row_groups0
prun = prun0
pglob /= nrun
pglob = np.NaN
prun = np.NaN
cluster_prob = np.array([])
cluster_group = np.array([])
cluster_ngroup = np.array([])
# TODO (pcotte): prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup could have
# not been assigned yet. Fix that.
return cluster_size, pglob, prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup, cancel_pressed
def sparse_opt(b, alpha, two_sided):
"""Return the L2-closest vector with sparsity alpha
b: original vector
x: sparse vector
V. K. Potluru & all (2013) Block Coordinate Descent for Sparse NMF arXiv:1301.3527v2 [cs.LG]
>>> from adnmtf.nmtf_utils import sparse_opt
>>> b_ = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
>>> alpha_ = 1
>>> two_sided_ = True
>>> sparse_opt(b_, alpha_, two_sided_)
array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., nan])
>>> two_sided_ = False
>>> sparse_opt(b_, alpha_, two_sided_)
array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., nan])
m = b.size
if two_sided is False:
m_alpha = (np.sqrt(m) - np.linalg.norm(b, ord=1) / np.linalg.norm(b, ord=2)) / (np.sqrt(m) - 1)
if (alpha == 0) or (alpha <= m_alpha):
return b
b_rank = np.argsort(-b)
ranks = np.empty_like(b_rank)
ranks[b_rank] = np.arange(m)
b_norm = np.linalg.norm(b)
a = b[b_rank] / b_norm
k = math.sqrt(m) - alpha * (math.sqrt(m) - 1)
p0 = m
mylambda0 = np.nan
mu0 = np.nan
mylambda = mylambda0
mu = mu0
for p in range(int(np.ceil(k ** 2)), m + 1):
mylambda0 = mylambda
mu0 = mu
mylambda = -np.sqrt((p * np.linalg.norm(a[0:p]) ** 2 - np.linalg.norm(a[0:p], ord=1) ** 2) / (p - k ** 2))
mu = -(np.linalg.norm(a[0:p], ord=1) + k * mylambda) / p
if a[p - 1] < -mu:
p0 = p - 1
mylambda = mylambda0
mu = mu0
x = np.zeros(m)
x[0:p0] = -b_norm * (a[0:p0] + mu) / mylambda
return x[ranks]
def build_clusters(mt, mw, mb, mt_pct, mw_pct, n_blocks, blk_size, nmf_calculate_leverage, nmf_use_robust_leverage, nmf_algo, nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability, cell_plot_ordered_clusters, add_message, my_status_box)
Builder clusters from leverages
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def build_clusters( mt, mw, mb, mt_pct, mw_pct, n_blocks, blk_size, nmf_calculate_leverage, nmf_use_robust_leverage, nmf_algo, nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability, cell_plot_ordered_clusters, add_message, my_status_box, ): """Builder clusters from leverages""" n_blocks = int(n_blocks) my_status_box.update_status(status="Build clusters...") err_message = "" cancel_pressed = 0 n, nc = np.shape(mt) p = np.shape(mw)[0] if nmf_algo == "ntf": block_clust = np.zeros(n_blocks) elif nmf_algo == "nmf": block_clust = np.array([]) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown algo '{nmf_algo}'") r_ct = np.zeros(n) r_cw = np.zeros(p) n_ct = np.zeros(nc) n_cw = np.zeros(n_blocks * nc) row_clust = np.zeros(n) col_clust = np.zeros(p) ilast = 0 jlast = 0 if nmf_calculate_leverage == 1: my_status_box.update_status(status="Leverages - Left components...") mtn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed = calc_leverage( mt, nmf_use_robust_leverage, add_message, my_status_box ) my_status_box.update_status(status="Leverages - Right components...") mwn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed = calc_leverage( mw, nmf_use_robust_leverage, add_message, my_status_box ) if nmf_algo == "ntf": my_status_box.update_status(status="Leverages - Block components...") mbn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed = calc_leverage( mb, nmf_use_robust_leverage, add_message, my_status_box ) else: mbn = None else: mtn = mt mwn = mw if nmf_algo == "ntf": mbn = mb else: mbn = None if nmf_algo == "ntf": for i_block in range(0, n_blocks): if nc > 1: block_clust[i_block] = np.argmax(mbn[i_block, :]) + 1 else: block_clust[i_block] = 1 for i in range(0, n): if nc > 1: if (isinstance(mt_pct, np.ndarray)) & (nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability > 0): row_clust[i] = np.argmax(mt_pct[i, :]) + 1 else: row_clust[i] = np.argmax(mtn[i, :]) + 1 else: row_clust[i] = 1 for j in range(0, p): if nc > 1: if (isinstance(mw_pct, np.ndarray)) & (nmf_robust_cluster_by_stability > 0): col_clust[j] = np.argmax(mw_pct[j, :]) + 1 else: col_clust[j] = np.argmax(mwn[j, :]) + 1 else: col_clust[j] = 1 if (cell_plot_ordered_clusters == 1) & (nc >= 3): mt_s = np.zeros(n) mw_s = np.zeros(p) for i in range(0, n): if row_clust[i] == 1: mt_s[i] = sum(k * mtn[i, k] for k in range(0, 2)) / max(sum(mtn[i, k] for k in range(0, 2)), 1.0e-10) elif row_clust[i] == nc: mt_s[i] = sum(k * mtn[i, k] for k in range(nc - 2, nc)) / max( sum(mtn[i, k] for k in range(nc - 2, nc)), 1.0e-10 ) else: mt_s[i] = sum(k * mtn[i, k] for k in range(int(row_clust[i] - 2), int(row_clust[i] + 1))) / max( sum(mtn[i, k] for k in range(int(row_clust[i] - 2), int(row_clust[i] + 1))), 1.0e-10 ) for j in range(0, p): if col_clust[j] == 1: mw_s[j] = sum(k * mwn[j, k] for k in range(0, 2)) / max(sum(mwn[j, k] for k in range(0, 2)), 1.0e-10) elif col_clust[j] == nc: mw_s[j] = sum(k * mwn[j, k] for k in range(nc - 2, nc)) / max( sum(mwn[j, k] for k in range(nc - 2, nc)), 1.0e-10 ) else: mw_s[j] = sum(k * mwn[j, k] for k in range(int(col_clust[j] - 2), int(col_clust[j] + 1))) / max( sum(mwn[j, k] for k in range(int(col_clust[j] - 2), int(col_clust[j] + 1))), 1.0e-10 ) for k in range(0, nc): mindex1 = np.where(row_clust == k + 1)[0] if len(mindex1) > 0: if len(mindex1) == 1: mindex = (mindex1,) elif (nc == 2) & (k == 1): mindex = mindex1[np.argsort(mtn[mindex1, k])] elif (cell_plot_ordered_clusters == 1) & (nc >= 3): # TODO (pcotte): mt_s could have not been assigned yet. Fix that. mindex = mindex1[np.argsort(mt_s[mindex1])] else: mindex = mindex1[np.argsort(-mtn[mindex1, k])] r_ct[ilast: len(mindex) + ilast] = mindex ilast += len(mindex) n_ct[k] = ilast for i_block in range(0, n_blocks): if i_block == 0: j1 = 0 j2 = int(abs(blk_size[i_block])) else: # TODO (pcotte): j2 could have not been assigned yet. Fix that. j1 = j2 j2 += int(abs(blk_size[i_block])) for k in range(0, nc): mindex2 = np.where(col_clust[j1:j2] == k + 1)[0] if len(mindex2) > 0: mindex2 = mindex2 + j1 if len(mindex2) == 1: mindex = mindex2 elif (nc == 2) & (k == 1): mindex = mindex2[np.argsort(mwn[mindex2, k])] elif (cell_plot_ordered_clusters == 1) & (nc >= 3): # TODO (pcotte): mw_s could have not been assigned yet. Fix that. mindex = mindex2[np.argsort(mw_s[mindex2])] else: mindex = mindex2[np.argsort(-mwn[mindex2, k])] r_cw[jlast: len(mindex) + jlast] = mindex jlast += len(mindex) n_cw[i_block * nc + k] = jlast return ( mtn, mwn, mbn, r_ct, r_cw, n_ct, n_cw, row_clust, col_clust, block_clust, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed, )
def calc_leverage(v, nmf_use_robust_leverage, add_message, my_status_box)
Calculate leverages
v: Input column vectors nmf_use_robust_leverage: Estimate robust through columns of V add_message my_status_box
:Leveraged column vectors
P. Fogel et al (2016) Applications of a Novel Clustering Approach Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to Environmental Research in Public Health Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 509 doi:10.3390/ijerph13050509
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def calc_leverage(v, nmf_use_robust_leverage, add_message, my_status_box): """Calculate leverages Parameter --------- v: Input column vectors nmf_use_robust_leverage: Estimate robust through columns of V add_message my_status_box Returns ------- vn: Leveraged column vectors Reference --------- P. Fogel et al (2016) Applications of a Novel Clustering Approach Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to Environmental Research in Public Health Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 509 doi:10.3390/ijerph13050509 """ err_message = "" cancel_pressed = 0 n, nc = v.shape vn = np.zeros((n, nc)) vr = np.zeros((n, nc)) if nmf_use_robust_leverage > 0: max_v, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed = robust_max(v, add_message, my_status_box) if cancel_pressed == 1: return vn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed else: max_v = np.max(v, axis=0) pbar_step = 100 / nc my_status_box.init_bar() for k in range(0, nc): vr[v[:, k] > 0, k] = 1 vn[:, k] = max_v[k] - v[:, k] vn[vn[:, k] < 0, k] = 0 vn[:, k] = vn[:, k] ** 2 for k2 in range(0, nc): if k2 != k: vn[:, k] = vn[:, k] + v[:, k2] ** 2 status = f"Leverage: Comp {k + 1}" my_status_box.update_status(status=status) my_status_box.update_bar(step=pbar_step) if my_status_box.cancel_pressed: cancel_pressed = 1 return vn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed vn = 10 ** (-vn / (2 * np.mean(vn))) * vr return vn, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed
def cluster_pvalues(cluster_size, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup)
Calculate Pvalue of each group versus cluster
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def cluster_pvalues(cluster_size, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup): """Calculate Pvalue of each group versus cluster""" n, nc = mt.shape cluster_size = cluster_size.astype( nb_groups = int(nb_groups) r_ct = r_ct.astype( n_ct = n_ct.astype( cluster_size = np.reshape(cluster_size, nc) r_ct = np.reshape(r_ct, (n,)) n_ct = np.reshape(n_ct, (nc,)) row_groups = np.reshape(row_groups, (n,)) cluster_group = np.zeros(nc) cluster_prob = np.zeros(nc) cluster_ngroup = np.zeros((nc, nb_groups)) cluster_n_wgroup = np.zeros((nc, nb_groups)) prun = 0 for k in range(0, nc): if cluster_size[k] > 0: # Find main group (only if clustersize>2) kfound0 = 0 for i_group in range(0, nb_groups): if k == 0: mx = np.where(row_groups[r_ct[0: n_ct[0]]] == list_groups[i_group])[0] if len(mx) >= 1: cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] = np.sum(mt[r_ct[0: n_ct[0]][mx], k]) cluster_ngroup[k, i_group] = len(mx) else: mx = np.where(row_groups[r_ct[n_ct[k - 1]: n_ct[k]]] == list_groups[i_group])[0] if len(mx) >= 1: cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] = np.sum(mt[r_ct[n_ct[k - 1]: n_ct[k]][mx], k]) cluster_ngroup[k, i_group] = len(mx) if cluster_ngroup[k, i_group] > kfound0: kfound0 = cluster_ngroup[k, i_group] cluster_group[k] = i_group sum_cluster_n_wgroup = sum(cluster_n_wgroup[k, :]) for i_group in range(0, nb_groups): cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] = cluster_size[k] * cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] / sum_cluster_n_wgroup else: for i_group in range(0, nb_groups): cluster_ngroup[k, i_group] = 0 cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] = 0 cluster_group[k] = 1 for k in range(0, nc): if cluster_size[k] > 2: cluster_prob[k] = hypergeom.sf( cluster_ngroup[k, int(cluster_group[k])], n, ngroup[int(cluster_group[k])], cluster_size[k], loc=0 ) + hypergeom.pmf( cluster_ngroup[k, int(cluster_group[k])], n, ngroup[int(cluster_group[k])], cluster_size[k], loc=0 ) else: cluster_prob[k] = 1 for k in range(0, nc): for i_group in range(0, nb_groups): if cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group]: prun += cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] * math.log( cluster_n_wgroup[k, i_group] / (cluster_size[k] * ngroup[i_group] / n) ) return prun, cluster_group, cluster_prob, cluster_ngroup, cluster_n_wgroup
def get_status_box()
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def get_status_box(): return status_box
def global_sign(nrun, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup, my_status_box)
Calculate global significance of association with a covariate following multiple factorization trials
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def global_sign(nrun, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup, my_status_box): """Calculate global significance of association with a covariate following multiple factorization trials """ n, nc = mt.shape nrun = int(nrun) nb_groups = int(nb_groups) r_ct = r_ct.astype( n_ct = n_ct.astype( cluster_size = np.zeros(nc) r_ct = np.reshape(r_ct, n) n_ct = np.reshape(n_ct, nc) cancel_pressed = 0 for k in range(0, nc): if k == 0: cluster_size[k] = n_ct[0] else: cluster_size[k] = n_ct[k] - n_ct[k - 1] if nb_groups > 1: row_groups = np.reshape(row_groups, (n,)) step_iter = np.round(nrun / 10) pbar_step = 10 pglob = 1 for irun in range(0, nrun): if irun % step_iter == 0: my_status_box.update_status(status=f"Calculating global significance: {irun}/{nrun}") my_status_box.update_bar(step=pbar_step) if my_status_box.cancel_pressed: cancel_pressed = 1 # TODO (pcotte): prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup could have # not been assigned yet. Fix that. return cluster_size, pglob, prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup, cancel_pressed prun, cluster_group, cluster_prob, cluster_ngroup, ClusterNWgroup = cluster_pvalues( cluster_size, nb_groups, mt, r_ct, n_ct, row_groups, list_groups, ngroup ) if irun == 0: cluster_prob0 = np.copy(cluster_prob) cluster_group0 = np.copy(cluster_group) cluster_ngroup0 = np.copy(cluster_ngroup) row_groups0 = np.copy(row_groups) prun0 = prun else: # TODO (pcotte): prun0 could have not been assigned yet. Fix that. if prun >= prun0: pglob += 1 if irun < nrun - 1: # permute row groups # TODO (pcotte): row_groups0 could have not been assigned yet. Fix that. row_groups = row_groups0[np.random.permutation(n)] else: # Restore # TODO (pcotte): cluster_prob0, cluster_group0, cluster_ngroup0 could have not been assigned yet. # Fix that. cluster_prob = cluster_prob0 cluster_group = cluster_group0 cluster_ngroup = cluster_ngroup0 row_groups = row_groups0 prun = prun0 pglob /= nrun else: pglob = np.NaN prun = np.NaN cluster_prob = np.array([]) cluster_group = np.array([]) cluster_ngroup = np.array([]) # TODO (pcotte): prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup could have # not been assigned yet. Fix that. return cluster_size, pglob, prun, cluster_prob, cluster_group, cluster_ngroup, cancel_pressed
def nmf_det(mt, mw, nmf_exact_det)
Volume occupied by Left and Right factoring vectors
mt: Left hand matrix mw: Right hand matrix nmf_exact_det: if = 0 compute an approximate determinant in reduced space n x n or p x p through random sampling in the largest dimension
P. Fogel et al (2016) Applications of a Novel Clustering Approach Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to Environmental Research in Public Health Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 509 doi:10.3390/ijerph13050509
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def nmf_det(mt, mw, nmf_exact_det): """Volume occupied by Left and Right factoring vectors Parameters ---------- mt: Left hand matrix mw: Right hand matrix nmf_exact_det: if = 0 compute an approximate determinant in reduced space n x n or p x p through random sampling in the largest dimension Returns ------- determinant Reference --------- P. Fogel et al (2016) Applications of a Novel Clustering Approach Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to Environmental Research in Public Health Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 509 doi:10.3390/ijerph13050509 """ n, nc = mt.shape p, nc = mw.shape nxp = n * p if (nmf_exact_det > 0) | (n == p): xcells = np.zeros((nxp, nc)) for k in range(0, nc): xcells[:, k] = np.reshape(np.reshape(mt[:, k], (n, 1)) @ np.reshape(mw[:, k], (1, p)), nxp) norm_k = np.linalg.norm(xcells[:, k]) if norm_k > 0: xcells[:, k] = xcells[:, k] / norm_k else: xcells[:, k] = 0 else: if n > p: xcells = np.zeros((p ** 2, nc)) theid = np.arange(n) np.random.shuffle(theid) theid = theid[0:p] for k in range(0, nc): xcells[:, k] = np.reshape(np.reshape(mt[theid, k], (p, 1)) @ np.reshape(mw[:, k], (1, p)), p ** 2) norm_k = np.linalg.norm(xcells[:, k]) if norm_k > 0: xcells[:, k] = xcells[:, k] / norm_k else: xcells[:, k] = 0 else: xcells = np.zeros((n ** 2, nc)) theid = np.arange(p) np.random.shuffle(theid) theid = theid[0:n] for k in range(0, nc): xcells[:, k] = np.reshape(np.reshape(mt[:, k], (n, 1)) @ np.reshape(mw[theid, k], (1, n)), n ** 2) norm_k = np.linalg.norm(xcells[:, k]) if norm_k > 0: xcells[:, k] = xcells[:, k] / norm_k else: xcells[:, k] = 0 det_xcells = np.linalg.det(xcells.T @ xcells) return det_xcells
def robust_max(v0, add_message, my_status_box)
Robust max of column vectors
For each column: = weighted mean of column elements larger than 95% percentile for each row, weight = specificity of the column value wrt other columns
:column vectors
Robust max by column
P. Fogel et al (2016) Applications of a Novel Clustering Approach Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to Environmental Research in Public Health Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 509 doi:10.3390/ijerph13050509
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def robust_max(v0, add_message, my_status_box): """Robust max of column vectors For each column: = weighted mean of column elements larger than 95% percentile for each row, weight = specificity of the column value wrt other columns Parameters ---------- v0: column vectors add_message: List[str] my_status_box Returns ------- Robust max by column Reference --------- P. Fogel et al (2016) Applications of a Novel Clustering Approach Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to Environmental Research in Public Health Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 509 doi:10.3390/ijerph13050509 """ err_message = "" cancel_pressed = 0 v = v0.copy() n, nc = v.shape if nc > 1: nc_i = 1 / nc lnnc_i = 1 / math.log(nc) ind = max(math.ceil(n * 0.05) - 1, min(n - 1, 2)) scale = np.max(v, axis=0) for k in range(0, nc): v[:, k] = v[:, k] / scale[k] rob_max = np.max(v, axis=0) rob_max0 = 1e99 * np.ones(nc) i_iter = 0 max_iterations = 100 pbar_step = 100 / max_iterations my_status_box.init_bar() while ((np.linalg.norm(rob_max - rob_max0) / np.linalg.norm(rob_max)) ** 2 > 1e-6) & (i_iter < max_iterations): for k in range(0, nc): v = v[np.argsort(-v[:, k]), :] if nc > 1: den = np.repeat(np.sum(v, axis=1), nc).reshape((n, nc)) den[den == 0] = 1.0e-10 prob = v / den prob[prob == 0] = 1.0e-10 # TODO (pcotte) lnnc_i and nc_i could have not been assigned yet. Fix that. specificity = np.ones(n) + np.sum(prob * np.log(prob), axis=1) * lnnc_i specificity[prob[:, k] < nc_i] = 0 else: specificity = np.ones(n) specificity[ind:n] = 0 rob_max0[k] = rob_max[k] rob_max[k] = np.sum(v[:, k] * specificity) / np.sum(specificity) v[v[:, k] > rob_max[k], k] = rob_max[k] my_status_box.update_bar(step=pbar_step) if my_status_box.cancel_pressed: cancel_pressed = 1 return rob_max * scale, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed i_iter += 1 if i_iter == max_iterations: add_message.insert(len(add_message), f"Warning: Max iterations reached while calculating robust max (N = {n})") return rob_max * scale, add_message, err_message, cancel_pressed
def set_status_box(use_tkinter)
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def set_status_box(use_tkinter): global status_box if use_tkinter: try: from tkinter import Tk, Frame, StringVar, Label, ttk, Button, NONE, HORIZONTAL tkinter_ok = True except ImportError: tkinter_ok = False else: tkinter_ok = False if tkinter_ok: class StatusBoxTKinter: def __init__(self, verbose=0): self.log_iter = verbose self.root = Tk() self.root.title('irMF status - Python kernel') self.root.minsize(width=230, height=60) self.frame = Frame(self.root, borderwidth=6) self.frame.pack() self.var = StringVar() self.status = Label(self.frame, textvariable=self.var, width=60, height=1) self.status.pack(fill=NONE, padx=6, pady=6) self.pbar = ttk.Progressbar(self.frame, orient=HORIZONTAL, max=100, mode='determinate') self.pbar.pack(fill=NONE, padx=6, pady=6) Button(self.frame, text='Cancel', command=self.close_dialog).pack(fill=NONE, padx=6, pady=6) self.cancel_pressed = False self.n_steps = 0 def close_dialog(self): self.cancel_pressed = True def update_bar(self, delay=1, step=1): self.n_steps += step self.pbar.step(step) self.pbar.after(delay, lambda: self.root.quit()) self.root.mainloop() def init_bar(self, delay=1): self.update_bar(delay=1, step=100 - self.n_steps) self.n_steps = 0 def update_status(self, delay=1, status=''): self.var.set(status) self.status.after(delay, lambda: self.root.quit()) self.root.mainloop() def close(self): self.root.destroy() def myPrint(self, status=''): print(status) status_box = StatusBoxTKinter
def sparse_opt(b, alpha, two_sided)
Return the L2-closest vector with sparsity alpha
:original vector
:sparse vector
V. K. Potluru & all (2013) Block Coordinate Descent for Sparse NMF arXiv:1301.3527v2 [cs.LG]
>>> from adnmtf.nmtf_utils import sparse_opt >>> b_ = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) >>> alpha_ = 1 >>> two_sided_ = True >>> sparse_opt(b_, alpha_, two_sided_) array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., nan]) >>> two_sided_ = False >>> sparse_opt(b_, alpha_, two_sided_) array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., nan])
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def sparse_opt(b, alpha, two_sided): """Return the L2-closest vector with sparsity alpha Parameters ---------- b: original vector alpha two_sided Returns ------- x: sparse vector Reference --------- V. K. Potluru & all (2013) Block Coordinate Descent for Sparse NMF arXiv:1301.3527v2 [cs.LG] Examples -------- >>> from adnmtf.nmtf_utils import sparse_opt >>> b_ = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) >>> alpha_ = 1 >>> two_sided_ = True >>> sparse_opt(b_, alpha_, two_sided_) array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., nan]) >>> two_sided_ = False >>> sparse_opt(b_, alpha_, two_sided_) array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., nan]) """ m = b.size if two_sided is False: m_alpha = (np.sqrt(m) - np.linalg.norm(b, ord=1) / np.linalg.norm(b, ord=2)) / (np.sqrt(m) - 1) if (alpha == 0) or (alpha <= m_alpha): return b b_rank = np.argsort(-b) ranks = np.empty_like(b_rank) ranks[b_rank] = np.arange(m) b_norm = np.linalg.norm(b) a = b[b_rank] / b_norm k = math.sqrt(m) - alpha * (math.sqrt(m) - 1) p0 = m mylambda0 = np.nan mu0 = np.nan mylambda = mylambda0 mu = mu0 for p in range(int(np.ceil(k ** 2)), m + 1): mylambda0 = mylambda mu0 = mu mylambda = -np.sqrt((p * np.linalg.norm(a[0:p]) ** 2 - np.linalg.norm(a[0:p], ord=1) ** 2) / (p - k ** 2)) mu = -(np.linalg.norm(a[0:p], ord=1) + k * mylambda) / p if a[p - 1] < -mu: p0 = p - 1 mylambda = mylambda0 mu = mu0 break x = np.zeros(m) x[0:p0] = -b_norm * (a[0:p0] + mu) / mylambda return x[ranks]
class StatusBox (verbose=0)
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class StatusBox: def __init__(self, verbose=0): self.log_iter = verbose if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar = tqdm(total=100) self.cancel_pressed = False def update_bar(self, step=1): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.update(n=step) def init_bar(self): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.n = 0 def update_status(self, status=""): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.set_description(status, refresh=False) self.pbar.refresh() def close(self): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.clear() self.pbar.close() def my_print(self, status=""): if self.log_iter == 1:
def close(self)
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def close(self): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.clear() self.pbar.close()
def init_bar(self)
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def init_bar(self): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.n = 0
def my_print(self, status='')
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def my_print(self, status=""): if self.log_iter == 1:
def update_bar(self, step=1)
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def update_bar(self, step=1): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.update(n=step)
def update_status(self, status='')
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def update_status(self, status=""): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.set_description(status, refresh=False) self.pbar.refresh()
class status_box (verbose=0)
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class StatusBox: def __init__(self, verbose=0): self.log_iter = verbose if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar = tqdm(total=100) self.cancel_pressed = False def update_bar(self, step=1): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.update(n=step) def init_bar(self): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.n = 0 def update_status(self, status=""): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.set_description(status, refresh=False) self.pbar.refresh() def close(self): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.clear() self.pbar.close() def my_print(self, status=""): if self.log_iter == 1:
def close(self)
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def close(self): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.clear() self.pbar.close()
def init_bar(self)
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def init_bar(self): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.n = 0
def my_print(self, status='')
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def my_print(self, status=""): if self.log_iter == 1:
def update_bar(self, step=1)
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def update_bar(self, step=1): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.update(n=step)
def update_status(self, status='')
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def update_status(self, status=""): if self.log_iter == 0: self.pbar.set_description(status, refresh=False) self.pbar.refresh()