Module ruleskit.activation
Expand source code
from abc import ABC
from typing import Union, List, Optional
import numpy as np
import ast
import sys
from copy import copy
import random
import psutil
from time import time
from bitarray import bitarray
from tempfile import gettempdir
from pathlib import Path
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from transparentpath import TransparentPath
except ImportError:
TransparentPath = None
MAX_INT_32 = 2 ** 32
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
class Activation(ABC):
"""An activation vector is a 1-D list of 0 and 1 reprenseting the activation of a rule. Each element corresponds to
a line in the features and targets data (typically, a date, or a pair date-object if the data is multi-indexed),
and the vector contains 0 if the condition of the rule is not met at this index in the data and 1 if it is.
When working with lots of data and lots of rules, activation vectors can be hard to keep in memory and can represent
bottlenecks in computation time. This class is designed to reduce the size in memory of the vector and to minimize
the computation time.
# dtype for the compressed format. Can be str or np.ndarray
DTYPE = str
# When calling a profiling attribute that is None, will force the call of the method to compute them if FORCE_STAT
# is True
# Should be set to True if the program will do ogical AND between activation vectors in integer format at some point
# If activation vectors are to be stored on disk instead of RAM, root directory to store them
DEFAULT_TEMPDIR = Path(gettempdir())
# If no formatting should be done, just store raw np.ndarray in RAM
# Number of processes that will be using Activation class. Used when doing memory-intensive operations.
""" Class methods """
def clean_files(cls):
"""Removes activation vector files, if any."""
if not cls.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR.is_dir():
for path in cls.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR.glob("ACTIVATION_VECTOR_*.txt"):
"""Init methods"""
def _reset_data_related_attributes(self):
# Analytical attributes
self._entropy = None # Will be set if activation is not an integer or if optimize is True
self._rel_entropy = None # Will be set if activation is not an integer or if optimize is True
self._nones = None # Will be set if activation is not an integer or if optimize is True
self._coverage = None
# Format attributes
self.length = None # Will be set by init methods = None # Will be set by init methods
Profiling attribtues. All times are in seconds, all sizes in MB. Attributes starting by '_n_' are counts of
how many times this or that method triggered.
self._time_write = -1
self._time_read = -1
self._time_compressed_to_raw = -1
self._time_raw_to_compressed = -1
self._time_raw_to_integer = -1
self._time_bitarray_to_raw = -1
self._time_raw_to_bitarray = -1
self._time_compressed_to_bitarray = -1
self._time_compressed_to_integer = -1
self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = -1
self._time_integer_to_compressed = -1
self._time_integer_to_raw = -1
self._time_bitarray_to_integer = -1
self._time_integer_to_bitarray = -1
self._n_written = 0
self._n_read = 0
self._n_compressed_to_raw = 0
self._n_raw_to_compressed = 0
self._n_bitarray_to_raw = 0
self._n_integer_to_raw = 0
self._n_raw_to_bitarray = 0
self._n_raw_to_integer = 0
self._n_bitarray_to_compressed = 0
self._n_integer_to_compressed = 0
self._n_compressed_to_bitarray = 0
self._n_compressed_to_integer = 0
self._n_bitarray_to_integer = 0
self._n_integer_to_bitarray = 0
self._sizeof_compressed_array = -1
self._sizeof_compressed_str = -1
self._sizeof_bitarray = -1
self._sizeof_integer = -1
self._sizeof_raw = -1
self._sizeof_file = -1
self._sizeof_path = -1
def __init__(
activation: Union[np.ndarray, bitarray, str, int, Path, "TransparentPath"],
optimize: bool = True,
length: Optional[int] = None,
to_file: bool = True,
lasy: bool = False,
An activation vector is an array of 0 and 1, possibly millions of points. The whole purpose of this class is
to efficiently store the vector and allow to use logcial AND easily between two vectors, no matter the stored
The possible storing format are : compressed string or array, integer, bitarray or written on disk.
Activations are written on disk only if 'to_file' is True and Activation.STORE_RAW is False (default).
In that case, the raw np.ndarray vector is stored using
If the vector is instantiated with any of compressed string or array, integer, bitarray, then this format is
privileged for storing the vector (unless to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True), but some other flags
like 'optimize' and 'Activation.WILL_COMPARE' can determine the chosen format.
If the raw np.ndarray or a path to it was given and if Activation.STORE_RAW is True, then no formatting is done
and the raw np.ndarray is kept in RAM. This flag has no effect if activation is not the raw np.ndarray nor a
path to it.
Compression : can be either compressed str(list) or np.ndarray, depending on Activation.DTYPE:
Compressed data is : First element of the list is the first value of the array, last element of the list is
the length of the array. The other elements are the coordinates where the array changed values. This is the
best solution regarding the RAM if the vector does not change often. However, it is often slower than the
other methods, particularly if the code will apply logical AND between vectors since it requieres a
decompression of both vectors.
The vector is stored that was if compression is more memory-efficient than integer or bitarray format
OR if optimize is False, or if 'activation' is already a compressed vector.
It is never stored this way if to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True.
Bitarray :
The input vector [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1...] where each entry uses up one bit of memory. Takes more RAM than
compressed format if the vector does not change often, but is much quicker, both in conversion and in
computing a logical AND.
The vector is stored that way if it takes less RAM than compressed and if optimize is True and if
Activation.WILL_COMPARE is False (converting to bitarray is faster than to integer, but computing
logical AND on integers is faster). Size is equivalent to integer : one bit per entry. It is also stored
this way if 'activation' is a string and Activation.WILL_COMPARE is False.
It is never stored this way if to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True.
Integer :
taking the input vector [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1...], converts it to binary string representation :
"100100011..." then casts it into int using int(s, 2).
The vector is stored that way if it takes less RAM than compressed and if optimize is True and if
Activation.WILL_COMPARE is True. It is also stored this way if 'activation' is a string and
Activation.WILL_COMPARE is True. It is never stored this way if to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is
File stored locally :
This is done if to_file is True and Activation.STORE_RAW is False (default). It is often the best solution,
and is the default one. Indeed the I/O operations using and np.load are very fast, and the only
thing in RAM is the path to the vector's file. One need enough disk space of course. Using this method will
save the np.array with dtype=np.ubyte, so taking one byte (8 bits) per entry.
If compression is used and dtype is np.ndarray, will check that numbers present in the compressed vector can be
stored as int32 to gain memory. Else, uses int64.
activation: Union[np.ndarray, bitarray, str, int, Path, TransparentPath]
If np.ndarray : Of the form [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], or compressed vector
If str : compressed vector, or '010011100011111', or path
If bitarray : same as np.array but takes 8x less memory (each entry is stored in one bit only)
If int : as an integer
If Path : read raw np.ndarray vector from path.
optimize: bool
Only relevent if 'value' is a bitarray or an integer. In that case, will check whether using compression
saves up memory. Else, does not check and uses bitarray or integer. Note that if optimize is True, entropy
is computed no matter the chosen format.
length: Optional[int]
Only valid if 'value' is an integer. An activation vector stored as an integer has lost the information
about its size : [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1...] to int gives 100011... which in turn gives back [1 0 0 0 1 1...].
To get the leading zeros back, one must specify the length of the activation vector.
to_file: bool
If True, then activation vector is stored in a file in
Activation.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR / ACTIVATION_VECTOR_available_number.txt if Activation.STORE_RAW
if False (default) (default value = True)
lasy: bool
If specifying a file path, and if 'lasy' is True, will not read the file until the vector's data are
required. Else, read the file upon vector creation to set its many attributes (default = False).
self.optimize = optimize
self.to_file = False # set by _init_with_any
self.data_format = None # Will be set by init methods
self.loaded = False
self.lasy = False
# does not use instance to avoid conflicts if using TransparentPath
if type(activation) == "str" and "," not in activation:
if any([c in activation for c in "abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxy./\\"]): # is a file path
if TransparentPath is not None:
# noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
activation = TransparentPath(activation)
activation = Path(activation)
if Activation.WILL_COMPARE:
activation = int(activation, 2)
activation = bitarray(activation)
elif isinstance(activation, int) and not Activation.WILL_COMPARE:
if length is None:
raise ValueError("When giving an integer to Activation, you must also specify its length.")
self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(activation) / 1e6
t0 = time()
s = bin(activation)[2:]
if len(s) != length:
s = "0" * (length - len(s)) + s
activation = bitarray(s)
self._time_integer_to_bitarray = time() - t0
self._n_integer_to_bitarray += 1
self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(activation) / 1e6
elif isinstance(activation, bitarray) and Activation.WILL_COMPARE:
self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(activation) / 1e6
self._nones = activation.count(1)
t0 = time()
if length is None:
length = len(activation)
activation = int(
str(activation).replace("bitarray(", "").replace(")", "").replace("'", "").replace('"', ""), 2
self._time_bitarray_to_integer = time() - t0
self._n_bitarray_to_integer += 1
self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(activation) / 1e6
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
if isinstance(activation, Path) or TransparentPath is not None and isinstance(activation, TransparentPath):
if lasy:
self.lasy = True = activation
self.data_format = "file"
activation = self._read(activation, out=False)
self._init_with_any(activation, length, to_file)
self.loaded = True
self._init_with_any(activation, length, to_file)
def _init_with_any(
self, activation: Union[np.ndarray, bitarray, int, str], length: Union[int, None], to_file: bool
if isinstance(activation, bitarray):
self._init_with_bitarray(activation, Activation.DTYPE)
elif isinstance(activation, int):
self._init_with_integer(activation, Activation.DTYPE, length)
elif isinstance(activation, str):
elif isinstance(activation, np.ndarray):
if len(activation) > 0 and activation[-1] > 1:
if to_file and not self.__class__.STORE_RAW:
if not self._write(self.to_raw_from_any(activation, out=False)):
self._init_with_any(activation, length=length, to_file=False)
self.to_file = True
self._init_with_raw(activation, Activation.DTYPE)
raise TypeError(
f"An activation can only be a np.ndarray, and bitarray, a str or an integer. Got"
f" {type(activation)}."
def _write(self, value: np.ndarray):
"""Writes the activation vector's raw np.ndarray to a file in Activation.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR under the name
ACTIVATION_VECTOR_{n}.txt, where n is a random integer chosen among available numbers from 0 to 1e64.
Will set:
* self._sizeof_raw
* self.length
* self._nones
* self._sizeof_file
* self._sizeof_path
* self_time_write.
* to the path to the file
* self.data_format as "file"
Will iterate self._n_written.
if value.dtype != np.ubyte: # Saves memory
value = value.astype(np.ubyte)
logger.debug(f"Activation vector is raw, store it in a file")
self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6
self.length = len(value)
self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1)
t0 = time()
arange = list((0, int(1e64)))
number = random.randint(*arange)
data = Activation.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR / f"ACTIVATION_VECTOR_{number}.txt"
attempts = 0
if not self.lasy:
# If is lasy, then the vector was loaded from a file that should be re-used for writing
while data.is_file():
if attempts > 99:
"Failed to save activation vector locally after 100 attempts at finding an available"
" name. Will keep it in RAM."
return False
number += 1
attempts += 1
number = random.randint(*arange)
data = Activation.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR / f"ACTIVATION_VECTOR_{number}.txt"
data.touch() = data
self.data_format = "file"
with open(, "wb") as f:
# noinspection PyTypeChecker, value, allow_pickle=False)
stat =
if isinstance(stat, dict):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self._sizeof_file = stat["st_size"] / 1e6
self._sizeof_file = stat.st_size / 1e6
self._sizeof_path = sys.getsizeof( / 1e6
self._time_write = time() - t0
self._n_written += 1
return True
def _init_with_bitarray(self, value: bitarray, dtype: type):
Will set
* self._nones (number of ones in the activation)
* self.length
* self._sizeof_bitarray
if self.optimize is True:
* self._entropy and self._rel_entropy
* self.data_format to "bitarray" or "compressed_str" or "compressed_array" depending on what takes
less memory
* as a bitarray, a str or an array
Will iterate self._n_bitarray_to_compressed
* as a bitarray
* self.data_format to "bitarray"
logger.debug(f"Activation vector is a bitarray")
self.length = len(value)
self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6
self._nones = value.count(1)
if self.optimize:
t0 = time()
raw = self._bitarray_to_raw(value, out=False)
t1 = time()
compressed = self._compress(raw, dtype=dtype)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1
if isinstance(compressed, str):
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(compressed) / 1e6
size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_str
self._sizeof_compressed_array = compressed.nbytes / 1e6
size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_array
if dtype == str:
self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(compressed))
self._entropy = len(compressed)
self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length
if size_compressed > self._sizeof_bitarray: = value
self.data_format = "bitarray"
else: = compressed
if dtype == str:
self.data_format = "compressed_str"
self.data_format = "compressed_array"
else: = value
self.data_format = "bitarray"
def _init_with_integer(self, value: int, dtype: type, length: Optional[int] = None):
Will set
* self.length
* self._sizeof_integer
if self.optimize is True:
* self._nones (number of ones in the activation)
* self._entropy and self._rel_entropy
* self.data_format to "integer" or "compressed_str" or "compressed_array" depending on what takes less
* as an integer, a str or an np.ndarray
Will iterate self._n_integer_to_compressed
* as an integer
* self.data_format to "integer"
if length is None:
raise ValueError("When giving an integer to Activation, you must also specify its length.")
logger.debug(f"Activation vector is an int")
self.length = length
self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6
if self.optimize:
t0 = time()
raw = self._integer_to_raw(value, out=False)
self._nones = np.count_nonzero(raw == 1)
t1 = time()
compressed = self._compress(raw, dtype=dtype)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1
if isinstance(compressed, str):
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(compressed) / 1e6
size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_str
self._sizeof_compressed_array = compressed.nbytes / 1e6
size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_array
if dtype == str:
self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(compressed))
self._entropy = len(compressed)
self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length
if size_compressed > self._sizeof_integer: = value
self.data_format = "integer"
else: = compressed
if dtype == str:
self.data_format = "compressed_str"
self.data_format = "compressed_array"
else: = value
self.data_format = "integer"
def _init_with_str(self, value: str):
will set :
* as a compressed str
* self._sizeof_compressed_str
* self.data_format as "compressed_str"
* self._entropy and self._rel_entropy
* self.length
logger.debug(f"Activation vector is a compressed str")
evaluated = np.array(ast.literal_eval(value)) = value
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6
self._entropy = len(evaluated)
self.length = evaluated[-1]
self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length
self.data_format = "compressed_str"
def _init_with_compressed_array(self, value: np.ndarray):
will set :
* as a compressed array
* self._sizeof_compressed_array
* self.data_format as "compressed_array"
* self._entropy and self._rel_entropy
* self.length
logger.debug(f"Activation vector is a compressed array") = value
self._sizeof_compressed_array = value.nbytes / 1e6
self._entropy = len(value)
self.length = value[-1]
self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length
self.data_format = "compressed_array"
def _init_with_raw(self, value: np.ndarray, dtype: type):
will set :
* as an integer or a compressed array/str depending on what takes less memory and on what dtype is
* self._sizeof_compressed_str or self._sizeof_compressed_array if Activation.STORE_RAW is False
* self._sizeof_raw
* self._time_raw_to_compressed if Activation.STORE_RAW is False
* self._time_raw_to_bitarray or integer if Activation.STORE_RAW is False
* self._sizeof_bitarray or integer if Activation.STORE_RAW is False
* self.data_format as "bitarray", "integer", "raw" or "compressed_array" or "compressed_str"
* self._entropy and self._rel_entropy
* self.length
* self._nones
Will iterate :
* self._n_raw_to_bitarray or integer if Activation.STORE_RAW is False
* self._n_raw_to_compressed if Activation.STORE_RAW is False
if value.dtype != np.ubyte:
value = value.astype(np.ubyte)
logger.debug(f"Activation vector is raw")
self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6
self.length = len(value)
self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1)
if Activation.STORE_RAW: = value
self.data_format = "raw"
t0 = time()
compressed = self._compress(value, dtype=dtype)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
if isinstance(compressed, str):
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(compressed) / 1e6
size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_str
self._sizeof_compressed_array = compressed.nbytes / 1e6
size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_array
if dtype is str:
self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(compressed))
self._entropy = len(compressed)
self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length
t0 = time()
if Activation.WILL_COMPARE:
inbit = self._raw_to_integer(value)
self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_integer += 1
self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(inbit) / 1e6
thesize = self._sizeof_integer
s = f"Using integer activation representation"
fmt = "integer"
inbit = self._raw_to_bitarray(value)
self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1
self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(inbit) / 1e6
thesize = self._sizeof_bitarray
s = f"Using bitarray activation representation"
fmt = "bitarray"
if thesize > size_compressed:
logger.debug(f"Using compressed activation representation") = compressed
if dtype == str:
self.data_format = "compressed_str"
self.data_format = "compressed_array"
self.data_format = fmt = inbit
""" Binary operators """
def __and__(self, a2: "Activation") -> "Activation":
"""logical AND of two activation vectors. Only valid if both have the same length. Both vectors DO NOT need
to have the same format."""
if self.length != a2.length:
raise ValueError(f"Activations have different lengths. Left is {self.length}, right is {a2.length}")
if (self.data_format == "bitarray" and a2.data_format == "bitarray") or (
self.data_format == "integer" and a2.data_format == "integer"
): # gains time by not using raw
return Activation( &, optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize, to_file=False)
return Activation(
self.raw * a2.raw,
optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize,
to_file=self.data_format == "file" and a2.data_format == "file",
def multi_logical_and(acs: List["Activation"], asarray: bool = False) -> Union["Activation", np.ndarray]:
"""Do LOGICAL AND on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time.
If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray."""
available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 # In MB
_ = acs[0].raw
single_act_size = available_memory - psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6
del _
expected_size = single_act_size * len(acs) * Activation.NCPUS * 1.1 # factor 1.1 is just for safety
if available_memory < 2 * single_act_size:
raise MemoryError(
f"Not enough memory left to compute 'multi_logical_or'. Need at least 2x{single_act_size} MB,"
f" has only {available_memory} MB"
if available_memory < expected_size:
"Not enough memory to compute 'multi_logical_or' with all the vectors at once."
" Will do it by pairs, taking more time but less memory."
res = acs[0].raw
for a in acs[1:]:
res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).all(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
res = np.vstack([a.raw for a in acs]).all(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte)
except (MemoryError, np.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError) as e:
res = acs[0].raw
for a in acs[1:]:
res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).all(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte)
if asarray:
return res
return Activation(
optimize=all([a.optimize for a in acs]),
to_file=all([a.data_format == "file" for a in acs]),
def __or__(self, a2: "Activation") -> "Activation":
"""LOGICAL OR of two activation vectors. Only valid if both have the same length. Both vectors DO NOT need
to have the same format."""
if self.length != a2.length:
raise ValueError(f"Activations have different lengths. Left is {self.length}, right is {a2.length}")
if (self.data_format == "bitarray" and a2.data_format == "bitarray") or (
self.data_format == "integer" and a2.data_format == "integer"
): # gains time by not using raw
return Activation( |, optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize, to_file=False)
return Activation(
self.raw | a2.raw,
optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize,
to_file=self.data_format == "file" and a2.data_format == "file",
def multi_logical_or(acs: List["Activation"], asarray: bool = False) -> Union["Activation", np.ndarray]:
"""Do LOGICAL OR on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time.
If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray."""
available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 # In MB
_ = acs[0].raw
single_act_size = available_memory - psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6
del _
expected_size = single_act_size * len(acs) * Activation.NCPUS * 1.1 # factor 1.1 is just for safety
if available_memory < 2 * single_act_size:
raise MemoryError(
f"Not enough memory left to compute 'multi_logical_or'. Need at least 2x{single_act_size} MB,"
f" has only {available_memory} MB"
if available_memory < expected_size:
"Not enough memory to compute 'multi_logical_or' with all the vectors at once."
" Will do it by pairs, taking more time but less memory."
res = acs[0].raw
for a in acs[1:]:
res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).any(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
res = np.vstack([a.raw for a in acs]).any(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte)
except (MemoryError, np.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError) as e:
res = acs[0].raw
for a in acs[1:]:
res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).any(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte)
if asarray:
return res
return Activation(
optimize=all([a.optimize for a in acs]),
to_file=all([a.data_format == "file" for a in acs]),
def __xor__(self, a2: "Activation") -> "Activation":
"""Logcial EXCLUSIVE OR of two activation vectors. Only valid if both have the same length. Both vectors DO NOT
need to have the same format."""
if self.length != a2.length:
raise ValueError(f"Activations have different lengths. Left is {self.length}, right is {a2.length}")
if (self.data_format == "bitarray" and a2.data_format == "bitarray") or (
self.data_format == "integer" and a2.data_format == "integer"
): # gains time by not using raw
return Activation( ^, optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize, to_file=False)
return Activation(
self.raw ^ a2.raw,
optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize,
to_file=self.data_format == "file" and a2.data_format == "file",
def multi_logical_xor(acs: List["Activation"], asarray: bool = False) -> Union["Activation", np.ndarray]:
"""Do LOGICAL EXCLUSIVE OR on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time.
If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray."""
if len(acs) == 1:
return Activation(acs[0].raw, optimize=acs[0].optimize, to_file=acs[0].data_format == "file")
lor = Activation.multi_logical_or(acs, True)
nland = -(Activation.multi_logical_and(acs, True) - 1)
res = lor & nland.astype(np.ubyte)
if asarray:
return res
return Activation(
optimize=all([a.optimize for a in acs]),
to_file=all([a.data_format == "file" for a in acs]),
def __add__(self, other: "Activation") -> "Activation":
"""Synonym of logical OR"""
return self or other
def __sub__(self, other: "Activation") -> "Activation":
"""Logical EXCLUSIVE OR then logical AND"""
return (self ^ other) & self
""" Other methods """
def __copy__(self) -> "Activation":
if self.data_format == "integer":
return Activation(copy(, optimize=self.optimize, length=self.length)
return Activation(copy(, optimize=self.optimize, to_file=self.data_format == "file")
def clear(self):
"""Fill Activation with zeros"""
data = np.zeros(self.length)
self._init_with_raw(data, Activation.DTYPE)
def delete(self):
"""Deletes the activation vector's data, either by deleting the local file or by calling del on In
the later case, is reset to None."""
if self.data_format == "file":
del = None
def __len__(self):
"""Number of points in the vector"""
return self.length
def __contains__(self, other: "Activation") -> bool:
intersection = self & other
nones_intersection = intersection.nones
if nones_intersection < min(self.nones, other.nones):
return False
return True
def get_correlation(self, other: "Activation") -> float:
"""Computes the correlation between self and other
Correlation is the number of points in common between the two vectors divided by their length.
Both vectors must have the same length.
if not len(self) == len(other):
raise ValueError("Both vectors must have the same length")
common_points = np.count_nonzero(self.raw == other.raw)
return common_points / len(self)
""" Conversions to raw methods"""
def to_raw_from_any(self, activation, out: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
"""Converts any format among integer, bitarray, compressed string or compressed array to raw activation
vector np.ndarray"""
if isinstance(activation, bitarray):
raw = self._bitarray_to_raw(activation, out=out)
elif isinstance(activation, int):
raw = self._integer_to_raw(activation, out=out)
elif isinstance(activation, (str, np.ndarray)):
raw = self._decompress(activation, raw=True, out=out)
raise TypeError(
f"An activation can only be a np.ndarray, and bitarray, a str or an integer. Got"
f" {type(activation)}."
return raw
def _read(self, path: Optional[TransparentPath] = None, out: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
"""Read a raw activation vector's np.ndarray, either from given path, or from In that case, will
raise ValueError if self.data_format is not "file".
If out is not True or value is None, will set:
* self._sizeof_raw
* self._nones
* self._time_read
* self._sizeof_file
* self._sizeof_path
Will iterate self._n_read
if path is None:
out = False
if not self.data_format == "file":
raise ValueError("Activation vector was not saved locally : can not read it.")
path =
t0 = time()
with open(path, "rb") as f:
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
value = np.load(f)
if not out:
if self._sizeof_raw == -1:
self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6
if self._nones is None:
self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1)
stat = path.stat()
if isinstance(stat, dict):
self._sizeof_file = stat["st_size"] / 1e6
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
self._sizeof_file = stat.st_size / 1e6
self._sizeof_path = sys.getsizeof( / 1e6
self._time_read = time() - t0
self._n_read += 1
self.loaded = True
return value
def _integer_to_raw(self, value: Optional[int] = None, out: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
"""From a value of the form 45786542 (int), which is the base 10 representation of the binary form of an
activation vector, returns the raw np.ndarray vector of the form [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, ...].
If out is not True or value is None, will set:
* self._sizeof_integer
* self._sizeof_raw
* self._time_integer_to_raw
* self._nones
Will iterate :
* self._n_integer_to_raw
t0 = time()
if value is None:
out = False
if self.data_format == "file":
value = self._read(out=False)
value =
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and (len(value) == 0 or value[-1] == 0 or value[-1] == 1):
if not out:
self._time_integer_to_raw = time() - t0
self._n_integer_to_raw += 1
return value
if isinstance(value, (bitarray, np.ndarray, str, Path)):
raise TypeError("Can not apply _integer_to_raw on a bitarray, raw, compressed or a path")
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError(f"Invalid format {type(value)}")
act = np.fromiter(bin(value)[2:], dtype=np.ubyte)
if not out:
self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6
if len(act) > self.length:
raise ValueError(
"After using _integer_to_raw, I ended up with an activation vector bigger than the specified "
"max length. This should not happend as the max length should have been set by the indexing "
"of x earlier in your code"
act_bis = np.zeros(self.length).astype(np.ubyte)
act_bis[self.length - len(act):] = act
if not out:
self._sizeof_raw = act_bis.nbytes / 1e6
self._time_integer_to_raw = time() - t0
self._n_integer_to_raw += 1
if self._nones is None:
self._nones = np.count_nonzero(act_bis == 1)
return act_bis
def _bitarray_to_raw(self, value: Union[bitarray, Path] = None, out=True) -> np.ndarray:
"""Transforms a bitarray to a np.ndarray
If out is not True or value is None, will set:
* self._sizeof_bitarray
* self._sizeof_raw
* self._time_bitarray_to_raw
* self._nones
Will iterate :
* self._n_bitarray_to_raw
t0 = time()
if value is None:
out = False
if self.data_format == "file":
value = self._read(out=False)
value =
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and (len(value) == 0 or value[-1] == 0 or value[-1] == 1):
if not out:
self._time_bitarray_to_raw = time() - t0
self._n_bitarray_to_raw += 1
return value
if isinstance(value, (int, np.ndarray, str, Path)):
raise TypeError("Can not apply _bitarray_to_raw on a raw, integer, compressed or a path")
if not isinstance(value, bitarray):
raise TypeError(f"Invalid format {type(value)}")
act = np.array(list(value), dtype=np.ubyte)
if not out:
if self._sizeof_raw == -1:
self._sizeof_raw = act.nbytes / 1e6
if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1:
self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6
self._time_bitarray_to_raw = time() - t0
self._n_bitarray_to_raw += 1
return act
def _decompress(
self, value: Union[str, np.ndarray, Path] = None, raw=True, out=True
) -> Union[np.ndarray, bitarray, int]:
"""From a compressed array of either str or np.ndarray format, will return the raw np.ndarray vector of the form
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, ...]
If raw is True (default), returns it as a np.ndarray, else as a bitarray
If out is False or value is None, will set:
* self._time_compressed_to_raw
* self._sizeof_compressed_str or _sizeof_compressed_array
* self._sizeof_raw
* self._nones
Will iterate :
* self._n_compressed_to_raw
raw if False and Activation.WILL_COMPARE is True/False:
* self._time_compressed_to_integer/bitarray
* self._sizeof_nteger/bitarray
Will iterate :
* self._n_compressed_to_nteger/bitarray
t0 = time()
if value is None:
out = False
if self.data_format == "file":
value = self._read(out=False)
value =
if isinstance(value, (int, bitarray, Path)):
raise TypeError("Can not apply _decompress on a bitarray, integer or Path")
if not isinstance(value, (str, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError(f"Invalid format {type(value)}")
if len(value) == 0:
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): # is already raw
if not out:
self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6
if self._nones is None:
self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1)
return value
if not out:
self._sizeof_raw = np.array([]).nbytes / 1e6
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6
if self._nones is None:
self._nones = 0
return np.array([])
if value[-1] == 0 or value[-1] == 1: # is already raw
if value.dtype != np.ubyte: # Saves memory
value = value.astype(np.ubyte)
if not out:
self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6
if self._nones is None:
self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1)
return value
if isinstance(value, str):
act = ast.literal_eval(value)
if not out:
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6
elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
act = value
if not out:
self._sizeof_compressed_array = value.nbytes / 1e6
raise TypeError(f"'value' can not be of type {type(value)}")
length = act[-1]
s = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.ubyte)
previous_value = 0
previous_index = 0
if act[0] == 1:
previous_value = 1
s[0] = 1
if len(act) == 2:
if act[0] == 1:
s = np.ones(length, dtype=np.ubyte)
for index in act[1:]:
if previous_value == 0:
previous_index = index
previous_value = 1
s[previous_index:index] = np.ones(index - previous_index)
previous_index = index
previous_value = 0
s = np.array(s, dtype=np.ubyte)
if not out:
if self._sizeof_raw == -1:
self._sizeof_raw = s.nbytes / 1e6
self._time_compressed_to_raw = time() - t0
self._n_compressed_to_raw += 1
if self._nones is None:
self._nones = np.count_nonzero(s == 1)
if raw:
act = s
fmt = "raw"
elif Activation.WILL_COMPARE:
t1 = time()
act = self._raw_to_integer(s)
if not out:
self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t1
self._n_raw_to_integer += 1
fmt = "integer"
t1 = time()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
act = self._raw_to_bitarray(s)
if not out:
self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t1
self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1
fmt = "bitarray"
if not out:
if fmt == "integer":
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
if self._sizeof_integer == -1:
self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(act) / 1e6
self._time_compressed_to_integer = time() - t0
self._n_compressed_to_integer += 1
elif fmt == "bitarray":
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1:
self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(act) / 1e6
self._time_compressed_to_bitarray = time() - t0
self._n_compressed_to_bitarray += 1
return act
""" Conversions from raw methods"""
def _compress(value: Union[np.ndarray, str], dtype: type = str) -> Union[np.ndarray, str]:
"""Transforms a raw or bitarray activation vector to a compressed one.
A compressed vector is a collection of integers starting by the initial value of the raw vector (0 or 1) and
ending with its length. The other integers in the compression are the positions in the raw vector where the
vector value changes. This stores all the information and saves up memory if the vector is constant over
large periods of time.
The compressed vector can be stored as a str looking like "0, 12, 456, ..., 47782" or as a numpy array of
integers. What storage to use is specified by the "dtype" argument.
if isinstance(value, (int, bitarray)):
raise TypeError("Can not compress an integer vector")
if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or (len(value) > 0 and value[-1] != 0 and value[-1] != 1):
if isinstance(value, str) and dtype != str:
return np.array(value.split(",")).astype(np.ubyte)
return value
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
# not ubyte (unsigned byte), because np.diff will produce negative value that ubyte can not handle
value = value.astype(np.byte)
if len(value) == 0:
return np.array([])
raise TypeError(f"Can not compress a {type(value)}")
to_ret = [value[0]]
diff_arr = abs(np.diff(value))
to_ret += list(np.where(diff_arr == 1)[0] + 1)
if dtype == str:
to_ret = str(to_ret).replace(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
if to_ret[-1] < MAX_INT_32:
to_ret = np.array(to_ret, dtype="int32")
to_ret = np.array(to_ret, dtype="int64")
return to_ret
def _raw_to_bitarray(value: np.ndarray) -> bitarray:
"""Casts a raw activation vector into a bitarray, dividing its size in MO by 8."""
if isinstance(value, bitarray):
return value
elif not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or (len(value) > 0 and value[-1] != 0 and value[-1] != 1):
raise TypeError("Can not use _raw_to_bitarray on a compressed vector")
elif isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("Can not use _raw_to_bitarray on a integer vector")
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
return bitarray(value.tolist())
def _raw_to_integer(value: np.ndarray) -> int:
"""Casts a raw activation vector into the integer represented by its binary form, dividing its size in MO by 8.
>>> from ruleskit import Activation
>>> Activation._raw_to_integer(np.array([0, 1, 1, 0]))
6 # the binary number '0110' is 6 in base 10
if isinstance(value, int):
return value
elif not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or (len(value) > 0 and value[-1] != 0 and value[-1] != 1):
raise TypeError("Can not use _raw_to_integer or a compressed vector")
elif isinstance(value, bitarray):
raise TypeError("Can not use _raw_to_integer on a bitarray vector")
to_ret = int("".join(str(i) for i in value.astype(np.ubyte)), 2)
return to_ret
def ones(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""ones is the list of indexes where the vector is 1
Contrary to other @properties, do not store 'ones' in self, for it can be quit large : several MB or more.
When running codes with millions of vector, this can be problematic."""
raw = self.raw
ones = np.where(raw == 1)[0].tolist()
return ones
def nones(self) -> int:
"""nones is the number of points where the activation vector is 1
self._nones might not be set since it can only be set at object creation if the full array was given or
accessed at some point
if self._nones is None:
_ = self.raw # calling raw will compute nones
if self._coverage is None:
self._coverage = self._nones / self.length
return self._nones
def entropy(self) -> int:
"""The entropy of the vector is the length of its compressed reprensentation : the number of times it switched
from 1 to 0 and vice versa, plus 1 for the information about its initial value, and again 1 for the Information
about its size.
Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it.
If entropy is ocmputed here, will set:
* self._time_bitarray_to_compressed or self._time_integer_to_compressed
* self._sizeof_compressed_str or self._sizeof_compressed_array
* self._entropy (you don't say)
* self._rel_entropy
Will iterate :
* self._n_bitarray_to_compressed or self._n_integer_to_compressed
if self._entropy is None:
t0 = time()
fmt = self.data_format
if self.data_format == "file":
data = self._read(out=False)
fmt = "raw"
data =
if fmt == "bitarray":
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
data = self._bitarray_to_raw(data, out=False)
compressed = self._compress(data)
self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1
elif fmt == "integer":
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
data = self._integer_to_raw(data, out=False)
compressed = self._compress(data)
self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1
elif fmt == "raw":
compressed = self._compress(data)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
raise ValueError(f"Entropy should have been computed already if format is {fmt}")
if self.data_format == "compressed_str":
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(compressed) / 1e6
if self.data_format == "compressed_array":
self._sizeof_compressed_array = compressed.nbytes / 1e6
self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(compressed))
if self._rel_entropy is None:
self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length
return self._entropy
def rel_entropy(self) -> float:
"""Relative entropy is the entropy divided by the length of the raw np.ndarray vector
Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it.
if self._rel_entropy is None:
_ = self.entropy # will set self._rel_entropy
return self._rel_entropy
def coverage(self) -> float:
"""Coverage is the fraction of points equal to 1 in the vector
Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it.
if self._coverage is None:
_ = self.nones # will set self._coverage
return self._coverage
"""Method to access various formats"""
def raw(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the raw np.ndarray. Will set relevant profiling attributes."""
if not self.loaded:
activation = self._read(out=False)
self._init_with_any(activation, length=None, to_file=True)
if self.data_format == "raw":
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
elif self.data_format == "bitarray":
return self._bitarray_to_raw(out=False)
elif self.data_format == "integer":
return self._integer_to_raw(out=False)
elif self.data_format == "file":
return self._read(out=False)
elif "compressed" in self.data_format:
return self._decompress(out=False)
raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}")
def as_bitarray(self) -> bitarray:
"""Returns the bitarray representation of the vector"""
if self.data_format == "file":
data = self._read(out=False)
t0 = time()
to_ret = self._raw_to_bitarray(data)
self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1
if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1:
self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
return to_ret
elif self.data_format == "raw":
t0 = time()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
to_ret = self._raw_to_bitarray(
self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1
if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1:
self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
return to_ret
elif self.data_format == "bitarray":
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
elif self.data_format == "integer":
t0 = time()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
s = bin([2:]
if len(s) != self.length:
s = "0" * (self.length - len(s)) + s
to_ret = bitarray(s)
self._time_integer_to_bitarray = time() - t0
self._n_integer_to_bitarray += 1
if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1:
self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
return to_ret
elif "compressed" in self.data_format:
wc = Activation.WILL_COMPARE
Activation.WILL_COMPARE = False
to_ret = self._decompress(raw=False, out=False)
Activation.WILL_COMPARE = wc
return to_ret
raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}")
def as_integer(self) -> int:
"""Returns the integer representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes."""
if self.data_format == "file":
data = self._read(out=False)
t0 = time()
to_ret = self._raw_to_integer(data)
self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_integer += 1
if self._sizeof_integer == -1:
self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
return to_ret
elif self.data_format == "raw":
t0 = time()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
to_ret = self._raw_to_integer(
self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_integer += 1
if self._sizeof_integer == -1:
self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
return to_ret
elif self.data_format == "integer":
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
elif self.data_format == "bitarray":
t0 = time()
to_ret = int(str("bitarray(", "").replace(")", "").replace("'", "").replace('"', ""), 2)
self._time_bitarray_to_integer = time() - t0
self._n_bitarray_to_integer += 1
self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
return to_ret
elif "compressed" in self.data_format:
wc = Activation.WILL_COMPARE
Activation.WILL_COMPARE = True
to_ret = self._decompress(raw=False, out=False)
Activation.WILL_COMPARE = wc
return to_ret
raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}")
def as_compressed(self) -> Union[str]:
"""Returns the compressed str representation of the vector.
Will set relevant profiling attributes."""
return self.as_compressed_str
def as_compressed_array(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the compressed array representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes."""
if self.data_format == "raw":
t0 = time()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
to_ret = self._compress(, dtype=np.ndarray)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "compressed_array":
to_ret =
if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "compressed_str":
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
to_ret = np.array(ast.literal_eval(
if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "integer":
t0 = time()
raw = self.raw
t1 = time()
to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=np.ndarray)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1
if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "bitarray":
t0 = time()
raw = self.raw
t1 = time()
to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=np.ndarray)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1
if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "file":
data = self._read(out=False)
t0 = time()
to_ret = self._compress(data, dtype=np.ndarray)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}")
self._entropy = len(to_ret)
if self._rel_entropy is None:
self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length
return to_ret
def as_compressed_str(self) -> str:
"""Returns the compressed str representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes."""
if self.data_format == "raw":
t0 = time()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
to_ret = self._compress(, dtype=str)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "compressed_str":
to_ret =
if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "compressed_array":
to_ret = str(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "integer":
t0 = time()
raw = self.raw
t1 = time()
to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=str)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1
if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "bitarray":
t0 = time()
raw = self.raw
t1 = time()
to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=str)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1
if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1:
self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6
elif self.data_format == "file":
t0 = time()
data = self._read(out=False)
to_ret = self._compress(data, dtype=str)
self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0
self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1
raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}")
self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(to_ret))
if self._rel_entropy is None:
self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length
return to_ret
def sizeof_path(self) -> float:
"""Returns the size in MB of the path object, or -1 if it does not exist.
In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the
relevant profiling attributes."""
if self._sizeof_path == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format
self._write(self.raw) = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._sizeof_path
def sizeof_file(self) -> float:
"""Returns the size in MB of the path object, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling
if self._sizeof_file == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format
self._write(self.raw) = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._sizeof_file
def sizeof_raw(self) -> float:
"""Returns the size in MB of raw np.ndarray vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.raw to compute the relevant profiling
if self._sizeof_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
_ = self.raw
return self._sizeof_raw
def sizeof_bitarray(self) -> float:
"""Returns the size in MB of the vector in bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_bitarray to compute the relevant
profiling attributes."""
if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
_ = self.as_bitarray
return self._sizeof_bitarray
def sizeof_integer(self) -> float:
"""Returns the size in MB of the vector in integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_integer to compute the relevant
profiling attributes."""
if self._sizeof_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
_ = self.as_integer
return self._sizeof_integer
def sizeof_compressed_array(self) -> float:
"""Returns the size in MB of the vector in compressed array, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compressed_array to compute the relevant
profiling attributes."""
if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
_ = self.as_compressed_array
return self._sizeof_compressed_array
def sizeof_compressed_str(self) -> float:
"""Returns the size in MB of the vector in compressed str, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compressed_str to compute the relevant
profiling attributes."""
if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
_ = self.as_compressed_str
return self._sizeof_compressed_str
def time_write(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to write the vector to a file, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and
if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling
if self._time_write == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format
self._write(self.raw) = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_write
def time_read(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to read the vector to a file, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling
if self._time_read == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format
_ = self._read(, out=False) = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_read
def time_raw_to_compressed(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to compress the vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress to compute the relevant profiling
if self._time_raw_to_compressed == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.raw
self.data_format = "raw"
_ = self.as_compressed = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_raw_to_compressed
def time_raw_to_integer(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds go from raw to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._raw_to_integer to compute the relevant
profiling attributes."""
if self._time_raw_to_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.raw
self.data_format = "raw"
_ = self.as_integer = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_raw_to_integer
def time_raw_to_bitarray(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds go from raw to bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._raw_to_bitarray to compute the relevant
profiling attributes."""
if self._time_raw_to_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.raw
self.data_format = "raw"
_ = self.as_bitarray = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_raw_to_bitarray
def time_compressed_to_raw(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to compress the vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._decompress to compute the relevant
profiling attributes."""
if self._time_compressed_to_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.as_compressed
if isinstance(, str):
self.data_format = "compressed_str"
self.data_format = "compressed_array"
_ = self.raw = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_compressed_to_raw
def time_bitarray_to_raw(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to raw, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._bitarray_to_raw to compute the relevant
profiling attributes."""
if self._time_bitarray_to_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.as_bitarray
self.data_format = "bitarray"
_ = self.raw = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_bitarray_to_raw
def time_integer_to_raw(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to go from integer to raw, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if
Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._integer_to_raw to compute the relevant
profiling attributes."""
if self._time_integer_to_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.as_integer
self.data_format = "integer"
_ = self.raw = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_integer_to_raw
def time_compressed_to_bitarray(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to go from compressed to bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case
and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._decompress on self.as_compressed with
'raw=False' to compute the relevant profiling attributes."""
if self._time_compressed_to_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.as_compressed
if isinstance(, str):
self.data_format = "compressed_str"
self.data_format = "compressed_array"
_ = self.as_bitarray = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_compressed_to_bitarray
def time_bitarray_to_compressed(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to compressed, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case
and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self.as_bitarray to
compute the relevant profiling attributes."""
if self._time_bitarray_to_compressed == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.as_bitarray
self.data_format = "bitarray"
_ = self.as_compressed = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_bitarray_to_compressed
def time_integer_to_compressed(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to go from integer to compressed, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case
and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on
self._integer_to_raw(self.as_integer) to compute the relevant profiling attributes."""
if self._time_integer_to_compressed == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.as_integer
self.data_format = "integer"
_ = self.as_compressed = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_integer_to_compressed
def time_bitarray_to_integer(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case
and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on
self._integer_to_raw(self.as_integer) to compute the relevant profiling attributes."""
if self._time_bitarray_to_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.as_bitarray
self.data_format = "bitarray"
_ = self.as_integer = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_bitarray_to_integer
def time_integer_to_bitarray(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case
and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_integer on
self to compute the relevant profiling attributes."""
if self._time_integer_to_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.as_integer
self.data_format = "integer"
_ = self.as_bitarray = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_integer_to_bitarray
def time_compressed_to_integer(self) -> float:
"""Returns the time in seconds to go from compressed to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case
and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compress on
to compute the relevant profiling attributes."""
if self._time_compressed_to_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT:
data =
fmt = self.data_format = self.as_compressed
if isinstance(, str):
self.data_format = "compressed_str"
self.data_format = "compressed_array"
_ = self.as_integer = data
self.data_format = fmt
return self._time_compressed_to_integer
def n_written(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was written to disk."""
return self._n_written
def n_read(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was read from disk."""
return self._n_read
def n_raw_to_compressed(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from raw."""
return self._n_raw_to_compressed
def n_compressed_to_raw(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to raw."""
return self._n_compressed_to_raw
def n_raw_to_bitarray(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was formatted as bitarray."""
return self._n_raw_to_bitarray
def n_raw_to_integer(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was formatted as integer."""
return self._n_raw_to_integer
def n_bitarray_to_raw(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was deformatted from bitarray."""
return self._n_bitarray_to_raw
def n_integer_to_raw(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was deformatted from integer."""
return self._n_integer_to_raw
def n_bitarray_to_compressed(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from bitarray."""
return self._n_bitarray_to_compressed
def n_integer_to_compressed(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from integer."""
return self._n_integer_to_compressed
def n_compressed_to_bitarray(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to bitarray."""
return self._n_compressed_to_bitarray
def n_compressed_to_integer(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer."""
return self._n_compressed_to_integer
def n_bitarray_to_integer(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer."""
return self._n_bitarray_to_integer
def n_integer_to_bitarray(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer."""
return self._n_integer_to_bitarray
class Activation (activation: Union[numpy.ndarray, bitarray.bitarray, str, int, pathlib.Path, ForwardRef('TransparentPath')], optimize: bool = True, length: Optional[int] = None, to_file: bool = True, lasy: bool = False)
An activation vector is a 1-D list of 0 and 1 reprenseting the activation of a rule. Each element corresponds to a line in the features and targets data (typically, a date, or a pair date-object if the data is multi-indexed), and the vector contains 0 if the condition of the rule is not met at this index in the data and 1 if it is.
When working with lots of data and lots of rules, activation vectors can be hard to keep in memory and can represent bottlenecks in computation time. This class is designed to reduce the size in memory of the vector and to minimize the computation time.
An activation vector is an array of 0 and 1, possibly millions of points. The whole purpose of this class is to efficiently store the vector and allow to use logcial AND easily between two vectors, no matter the stored format.
The possible storing format are : compressed string or array, integer, bitarray or written on disk. Activations are written on disk only if 'to_file' is True and Activation.STORE_RAW is False (default). In that case, the raw np.ndarray vector is stored using If the vector is instantiated with any of compressed string or array, integer, bitarray, then this format is privileged for storing the vector (unless to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True), but some other flags like 'optimize' and 'Activation.WILL_COMPARE' can determine the chosen format.
If the raw np.ndarray or a path to it was given and if Activation.STORE_RAW is True, then no formatting is done and the raw np.ndarray is kept in RAM. This flag has no effect if activation is not the raw np.ndarray nor a path to it.
Compression : can be either compressed str(list) or np.ndarray, depending on Activation.DTYPE: Compressed data is : First element of the list is the first value of the array, last element of the list is the length of the array. The other elements are the coordinates where the array changed values. This is the best solution regarding the RAM if the vector does not change often. However, it is often slower than the other methods, particularly if the code will apply logical AND between vectors since it requieres a decompression of both vectors. The vector is stored that was if compression is more memory-efficient than integer or bitarray format OR if optimize is False, or if 'activation' is already a compressed vector. It is never stored this way if to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True. Bitarray : The input vector [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1…] where each entry uses up one bit of memory. Takes more RAM than compressed format if the vector does not change often, but is much quicker, both in conversion and in computing a logical AND. The vector is stored that way if it takes less RAM than compressed and if optimize is True and if Activation.WILL_COMPARE is False (converting to bitarray is faster than to integer, but computing logical AND on integers is faster). Size is equivalent to integer : one bit per entry. It is also stored this way if 'activation' is a string and Activation.WILL_COMPARE is False. It is never stored this way if to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True. Integer : taking the input vector [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1…], converts it to binary string representation : "100100011…" then casts it into int using int(s, 2). The vector is stored that way if it takes less RAM than compressed and if optimize is True and if Activation.WILL_COMPARE is True. It is also stored this way if 'activation' is a string and Activation.WILL_COMPARE is True. It is never stored this way if to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True. File stored locally : This is done if to_file is True and Activation.STORE_RAW is False (default). It is often the best solution, and is the default one. Indeed the I/O operations using and np.load are very fast, and the only thing in RAM is the path to the vector's file. One need enough disk space of course. Using this method will save the np.array with dtype=np.ubyte, so taking one byte (8 bits) per entry.
If compression is used and dtype is np.ndarray, will check that numbers present in the compressed vector can be stored as int32 to gain memory. Else, uses int64.
activation: Union[np.ndarray, bitarray, str, int, Path, TransparentPath] If np.ndarray : Of the form [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], or compressed vector If str : compressed vector, or '010011100011111', or path If bitarray : same as np.array but takes 8x less memory (each entry is stored in one bit only) If int : as an integer If Path : read raw np.ndarray vector from path. optimize: bool Only relevent if 'value' is a bitarray or an integer. In that case, will check whether using compression saves up memory. Else, does not check and uses bitarray or integer. Note that if optimize is True, entropy is computed no matter the chosen format. length: Optional[int] Only valid if 'value' is an integer. An activation vector stored as an integer has lost the information about its size : [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1…] to int gives 100011… which in turn gives back [1 0 0 0 1 1…]. To get the leading zeros back, one must specify the length of the activation vector. to_file: bool If True, then activation vector is stored in a file in Activation.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR / ACTIVATION_VECTOR_available_number.txt if Activation.STORE_RAW if False (default) (default value = True) lasy: bool If specifying a file path, and if 'lasy' is True, will not read the file until the vector's data are required. Else, read the file upon vector creation to set its many attributes (default = False).
Expand source code
class Activation(ABC): """An activation vector is a 1-D list of 0 and 1 reprenseting the activation of a rule. Each element corresponds to a line in the features and targets data (typically, a date, or a pair date-object if the data is multi-indexed), and the vector contains 0 if the condition of the rule is not met at this index in the data and 1 if it is. When working with lots of data and lots of rules, activation vectors can be hard to keep in memory and can represent bottlenecks in computation time. This class is designed to reduce the size in memory of the vector and to minimize the computation time. """ # dtype for the compressed format. Can be str or np.ndarray DTYPE = str # When calling a profiling attribute that is None, will force the call of the method to compute them if FORCE_STAT # is True FORCE_STAT = False # Should be set to True if the program will do ogical AND between activation vectors in integer format at some point WILL_COMPARE = False # If activation vectors are to be stored on disk instead of RAM, root directory to store them DEFAULT_TEMPDIR = Path(gettempdir()) # If no formatting should be done, just store raw np.ndarray in RAM STORE_RAW = False # Number of processes that will be using Activation class. Used when doing memory-intensive operations. NCPUS = 1 """ Class methods """ @classmethod def clean_files(cls): """Removes activation vector files, if any.""" if not cls.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR.is_dir(): return for path in cls.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR.glob("ACTIVATION_VECTOR_*.txt"): path.unlink() """Init methods""" def _reset_data_related_attributes(self): # Analytical attributes self._entropy = None # Will be set if activation is not an integer or if optimize is True self._rel_entropy = None # Will be set if activation is not an integer or if optimize is True self._nones = None # Will be set if activation is not an integer or if optimize is True self._coverage = None # Format attributes self.length = None # Will be set by init methods = None # Will be set by init methods """ Profiling attribtues. All times are in seconds, all sizes in MB. Attributes starting by '_n_' are counts of how many times this or that method triggered. """ self._time_write = -1 self._time_read = -1 self._time_compressed_to_raw = -1 self._time_raw_to_compressed = -1 self._time_raw_to_integer = -1 self._time_bitarray_to_raw = -1 self._time_raw_to_bitarray = -1 self._time_compressed_to_bitarray = -1 self._time_compressed_to_integer = -1 self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = -1 self._time_integer_to_compressed = -1 self._time_integer_to_raw = -1 self._time_bitarray_to_integer = -1 self._time_integer_to_bitarray = -1 self._n_written = 0 self._n_read = 0 self._n_compressed_to_raw = 0 self._n_raw_to_compressed = 0 self._n_bitarray_to_raw = 0 self._n_integer_to_raw = 0 self._n_raw_to_bitarray = 0 self._n_raw_to_integer = 0 self._n_bitarray_to_compressed = 0 self._n_integer_to_compressed = 0 self._n_compressed_to_bitarray = 0 self._n_compressed_to_integer = 0 self._n_bitarray_to_integer = 0 self._n_integer_to_bitarray = 0 self._sizeof_compressed_array = -1 self._sizeof_compressed_str = -1 self._sizeof_bitarray = -1 self._sizeof_integer = -1 self._sizeof_raw = -1 self._sizeof_file = -1 self._sizeof_path = -1 def __init__( self, activation: Union[np.ndarray, bitarray, str, int, Path, "TransparentPath"], optimize: bool = True, length: Optional[int] = None, to_file: bool = True, lasy: bool = False, ): """ An activation vector is an array of 0 and 1, possibly millions of points. The whole purpose of this class is to efficiently store the vector and allow to use logcial AND easily between two vectors, no matter the stored format. The possible storing format are : compressed string or array, integer, bitarray or written on disk. Activations are written on disk only if 'to_file' is True and Activation.STORE_RAW is False (default). In that case, the raw np.ndarray vector is stored using If the vector is instantiated with any of compressed string or array, integer, bitarray, then this format is privileged for storing the vector (unless to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True), but some other flags like 'optimize' and 'Activation.WILL_COMPARE' can determine the chosen format. If the raw np.ndarray or a path to it was given and if Activation.STORE_RAW is True, then no formatting is done and the raw np.ndarray is kept in RAM. This flag has no effect if activation is not the raw np.ndarray nor a path to it. Compression : can be either compressed str(list) or np.ndarray, depending on Activation.DTYPE: Compressed data is : First element of the list is the first value of the array, last element of the list is the length of the array. The other elements are the coordinates where the array changed values. This is the best solution regarding the RAM if the vector does not change often. However, it is often slower than the other methods, particularly if the code will apply logical AND between vectors since it requieres a decompression of both vectors. The vector is stored that was if compression is more memory-efficient than integer or bitarray format OR if optimize is False, or if 'activation' is already a compressed vector. It is never stored this way if to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True. Bitarray : The input vector [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1...] where each entry uses up one bit of memory. Takes more RAM than compressed format if the vector does not change often, but is much quicker, both in conversion and in computing a logical AND. The vector is stored that way if it takes less RAM than compressed and if optimize is True and if Activation.WILL_COMPARE is False (converting to bitarray is faster than to integer, but computing logical AND on integers is faster). Size is equivalent to integer : one bit per entry. It is also stored this way if 'activation' is a string and Activation.WILL_COMPARE is False. It is never stored this way if to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True. Integer : taking the input vector [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1...], converts it to binary string representation : "100100011..." then casts it into int using int(s, 2). The vector is stored that way if it takes less RAM than compressed and if optimize is True and if Activation.WILL_COMPARE is True. It is also stored this way if 'activation' is a string and Activation.WILL_COMPARE is True. It is never stored this way if to_file is True or Activation.STORE_RAW is True. File stored locally : This is done if to_file is True and Activation.STORE_RAW is False (default). It is often the best solution, and is the default one. Indeed the I/O operations using and np.load are very fast, and the only thing in RAM is the path to the vector's file. One need enough disk space of course. Using this method will save the np.array with dtype=np.ubyte, so taking one byte (8 bits) per entry. If compression is used and dtype is np.ndarray, will check that numbers present in the compressed vector can be stored as int32 to gain memory. Else, uses int64. Parameters: ----------- activation: Union[np.ndarray, bitarray, str, int, Path, TransparentPath] If np.ndarray : Of the form [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], or compressed vector If str : compressed vector, or '010011100011111', or path If bitarray : same as np.array but takes 8x less memory (each entry is stored in one bit only) If int : as an integer If Path : read raw np.ndarray vector from path. optimize: bool Only relevent if 'value' is a bitarray or an integer. In that case, will check whether using compression saves up memory. Else, does not check and uses bitarray or integer. Note that if optimize is True, entropy is computed no matter the chosen format. length: Optional[int] Only valid if 'value' is an integer. An activation vector stored as an integer has lost the information about its size : [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1...] to int gives 100011... which in turn gives back [1 0 0 0 1 1...]. To get the leading zeros back, one must specify the length of the activation vector. to_file: bool If True, then activation vector is stored in a file in Activation.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR / ACTIVATION_VECTOR_available_number.txt if Activation.STORE_RAW if False (default) (default value = True) lasy: bool If specifying a file path, and if 'lasy' is True, will not read the file until the vector's data are required. Else, read the file upon vector creation to set its many attributes (default = False). """ self._reset_data_related_attributes() self.optimize = optimize self.to_file = False # set by _init_with_any self.data_format = None # Will be set by init methods self.loaded = False self.lasy = False # does not use instance to avoid conflicts if using TransparentPath if type(activation) == "str" and "," not in activation: if any([c in activation for c in "abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxy./\\"]): # is a file path if TransparentPath is not None: # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable activation = TransparentPath(activation) else: activation = Path(activation) else: if Activation.WILL_COMPARE: activation = int(activation, 2) else: activation = bitarray(activation) elif isinstance(activation, int) and not Activation.WILL_COMPARE: if length is None: raise ValueError("When giving an integer to Activation, you must also specify its length.") self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(activation) / 1e6 t0 = time() s = bin(activation)[2:] if len(s) != length: s = "0" * (length - len(s)) + s activation = bitarray(s) self._time_integer_to_bitarray = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_bitarray += 1 self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(activation) / 1e6 elif isinstance(activation, bitarray) and Activation.WILL_COMPARE: self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(activation) / 1e6 self._nones = activation.count(1) t0 = time() if length is None: length = len(activation) activation = int( str(activation).replace("bitarray(", "").replace(")", "").replace("'", "").replace('"', ""), 2 ) self._time_bitarray_to_integer = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_integer += 1 self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(activation) / 1e6 # noinspection PyTypeChecker if isinstance(activation, Path) or TransparentPath is not None and isinstance(activation, TransparentPath): if lasy: self.lasy = True = activation self.data_format = "file" else: activation = self._read(activation, out=False) self._init_with_any(activation, length, to_file) else: self.loaded = True self._init_with_any(activation, length, to_file) def _init_with_any( self, activation: Union[np.ndarray, bitarray, int, str], length: Union[int, None], to_file: bool ): if isinstance(activation, bitarray): self._init_with_bitarray(activation, Activation.DTYPE) elif isinstance(activation, int): self._init_with_integer(activation, Activation.DTYPE, length) elif isinstance(activation, str): self._init_with_str(activation) elif isinstance(activation, np.ndarray): if len(activation) > 0 and activation[-1] > 1: self._init_with_compressed_array(activation) else: if to_file and not self.__class__.STORE_RAW: if not self._write(self.to_raw_from_any(activation, out=False)): self._init_with_any(activation, length=length, to_file=False) else: self.to_file = True else: self._init_with_raw(activation, Activation.DTYPE) else: raise TypeError( f"An activation can only be a np.ndarray, and bitarray, a str or an integer. Got" f" {type(activation)}." ) def _write(self, value: np.ndarray): """Writes the activation vector's raw np.ndarray to a file in Activation.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR under the name ACTIVATION_VECTOR_{n}.txt, where n is a random integer chosen among available numbers from 0 to 1e64. Will set: * self._sizeof_raw * self.length * self._nones * self._sizeof_file * self._sizeof_path * self_time_write. * to the path to the file * self.data_format as "file" Will iterate self._n_written. """ if value.dtype != np.ubyte: # Saves memory value = value.astype(np.ubyte) logger.debug(f"Activation vector is raw, store it in a file") self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6 self.length = len(value) self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1) t0 = time() arange = list((0, int(1e64))) number = random.randint(*arange) data = Activation.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR / f"ACTIVATION_VECTOR_{number}.txt" attempts = 0 if not self.lasy: # If is lasy, then the vector was loaded from a file that should be re-used for writing while data.is_file(): if attempts > 99: logger.warning( "Failed to save activation vector locally after 100 attempts at finding an available" " name. Will keep it in RAM." ) return False number += 1 attempts += 1 arange.remove(number) number = random.randint(*arange) data = Activation.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR / f"ACTIVATION_VECTOR_{number}.txt" data.touch() = data self.data_format = "file" with open(, "wb") as f: # noinspection PyTypeChecker, value, allow_pickle=False) stat = if isinstance(stat, dict): # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._sizeof_file = stat["st_size"] / 1e6 else: self._sizeof_file = stat.st_size / 1e6 self._sizeof_path = sys.getsizeof( / 1e6 self._time_write = time() - t0 self._n_written += 1 return True def _init_with_bitarray(self, value: bitarray, dtype: type): """ Will set * self._nones (number of ones in the activation) * self.length * self._sizeof_bitarray if self.optimize is True: * self._entropy and self._rel_entropy * self.data_format to "bitarray" or "compressed_str" or "compressed_array" depending on what takes less memory * as a bitarray, a str or an array Will iterate self._n_bitarray_to_compressed else: * as a bitarray * self.data_format to "bitarray" """ logger.debug(f"Activation vector is a bitarray") self.length = len(value) self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6 self._nones = value.count(1) if self.optimize: t0 = time() raw = self._bitarray_to_raw(value, out=False) t1 = time() compressed = self._compress(raw, dtype=dtype) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1 if isinstance(compressed, str): self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(compressed) / 1e6 size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_str else: self._sizeof_compressed_array = compressed.nbytes / 1e6 size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_array if dtype == str: self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(compressed)) else: self._entropy = len(compressed) self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length if size_compressed > self._sizeof_bitarray: = value self.data_format = "bitarray" else: = compressed if dtype == str: self.data_format = "compressed_str" else: self.data_format = "compressed_array" else: = value self.data_format = "bitarray" def _init_with_integer(self, value: int, dtype: type, length: Optional[int] = None): """ Will set * self.length * self._sizeof_integer if self.optimize is True: * self._nones (number of ones in the activation) * self._entropy and self._rel_entropy * self.data_format to "integer" or "compressed_str" or "compressed_array" depending on what takes less memory * as an integer, a str or an np.ndarray Will iterate self._n_integer_to_compressed else: * as an integer * self.data_format to "integer" """ if length is None: raise ValueError("When giving an integer to Activation, you must also specify its length.") logger.debug(f"Activation vector is an int") self.length = length self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6 if self.optimize: t0 = time() raw = self._integer_to_raw(value, out=False) self._nones = np.count_nonzero(raw == 1) t1 = time() compressed = self._compress(raw, dtype=dtype) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1 if isinstance(compressed, str): self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(compressed) / 1e6 size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_str else: self._sizeof_compressed_array = compressed.nbytes / 1e6 size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_array if dtype == str: self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(compressed)) else: self._entropy = len(compressed) self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length if size_compressed > self._sizeof_integer: = value self.data_format = "integer" else: = compressed if dtype == str: self.data_format = "compressed_str" else: self.data_format = "compressed_array" else: = value self.data_format = "integer" def _init_with_str(self, value: str): """ will set : * as a compressed str * self._sizeof_compressed_str * self.data_format as "compressed_str" * self._entropy and self._rel_entropy * self.length """ logger.debug(f"Activation vector is a compressed str") evaluated = np.array(ast.literal_eval(value)) = value self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6 self._entropy = len(evaluated) self.length = evaluated[-1] self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length self.data_format = "compressed_str" def _init_with_compressed_array(self, value: np.ndarray): """ will set : * as a compressed array * self._sizeof_compressed_array * self.data_format as "compressed_array" * self._entropy and self._rel_entropy * self.length """ logger.debug(f"Activation vector is a compressed array") = value self._sizeof_compressed_array = value.nbytes / 1e6 self._entropy = len(value) self.length = value[-1] self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length self.data_format = "compressed_array" def _init_with_raw(self, value: np.ndarray, dtype: type): """ will set : * as an integer or a compressed array/str depending on what takes less memory and on what dtype is * self._sizeof_compressed_str or self._sizeof_compressed_array if Activation.STORE_RAW is False * self._sizeof_raw * self._time_raw_to_compressed if Activation.STORE_RAW is False * self._time_raw_to_bitarray or integer if Activation.STORE_RAW is False * self._sizeof_bitarray or integer if Activation.STORE_RAW is False * self.data_format as "bitarray", "integer", "raw" or "compressed_array" or "compressed_str" * self._entropy and self._rel_entropy * self.length * self._nones Will iterate : * self._n_raw_to_bitarray or integer if Activation.STORE_RAW is False * self._n_raw_to_compressed if Activation.STORE_RAW is False """ if value.dtype != np.ubyte: value = value.astype(np.ubyte) logger.debug(f"Activation vector is raw") self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6 self.length = len(value) self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1) if Activation.STORE_RAW: = value self.data_format = "raw" return t0 = time() compressed = self._compress(value, dtype=dtype) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 if isinstance(compressed, str): self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(compressed) / 1e6 size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_str else: self._sizeof_compressed_array = compressed.nbytes / 1e6 size_compressed = self._sizeof_compressed_array if dtype is str: self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(compressed)) else: self._entropy = len(compressed) self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length t0 = time() if Activation.WILL_COMPARE: inbit = self._raw_to_integer(value) self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_integer += 1 self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(inbit) / 1e6 thesize = self._sizeof_integer s = f"Using integer activation representation" fmt = "integer" else: inbit = self._raw_to_bitarray(value) self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1 self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(inbit) / 1e6 thesize = self._sizeof_bitarray s = f"Using bitarray activation representation" fmt = "bitarray" if thesize > size_compressed: logger.debug(f"Using compressed activation representation") = compressed if dtype == str: self.data_format = "compressed_str" else: self.data_format = "compressed_array" else: logger.debug(s) self.data_format = fmt = inbit """ Binary operators """ def __and__(self, a2: "Activation") -> "Activation": """logical AND of two activation vectors. Only valid if both have the same length. Both vectors DO NOT need to have the same format.""" if self.length != a2.length: raise ValueError(f"Activations have different lengths. Left is {self.length}, right is {a2.length}") if (self.data_format == "bitarray" and a2.data_format == "bitarray") or ( self.data_format == "integer" and a2.data_format == "integer" ): # gains time by not using raw return Activation( &, optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize, to_file=False) else: return Activation( self.raw * a2.raw, optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize, to_file=self.data_format == "file" and a2.data_format == "file", ) @staticmethod def multi_logical_and(acs: List["Activation"], asarray: bool = False) -> Union["Activation", np.ndarray]: """Do LOGICAL AND on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time. If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray.""" available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 # In MB _ = acs[0].raw single_act_size = available_memory - psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 del _ expected_size = single_act_size * len(acs) * Activation.NCPUS * 1.1 # factor 1.1 is just for safety if available_memory < 2 * single_act_size: raise MemoryError( f"Not enough memory left to compute 'multi_logical_or'. Need at least 2x{single_act_size} MB," f" has only {available_memory} MB" ) if available_memory < expected_size: logger.warning( "Not enough memory to compute 'multi_logical_or' with all the vectors at once." " Will do it by pairs, taking more time but less memory." ) res = acs[0].raw for a in acs[1:]: res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).all(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) else: # noinspection PyProtectedMember try: res = np.vstack([a.raw for a in acs]).all(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) except (MemoryError, np.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError) as e: logger.warning(str(e)) res = acs[0].raw for a in acs[1:]: res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).all(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) if asarray: return res return Activation( res, optimize=all([a.optimize for a in acs]), to_file=all([a.data_format == "file" for a in acs]), ) def __or__(self, a2: "Activation") -> "Activation": """LOGICAL OR of two activation vectors. Only valid if both have the same length. Both vectors DO NOT need to have the same format.""" if self.length != a2.length: raise ValueError(f"Activations have different lengths. Left is {self.length}, right is {a2.length}") if (self.data_format == "bitarray" and a2.data_format == "bitarray") or ( self.data_format == "integer" and a2.data_format == "integer" ): # gains time by not using raw return Activation( |, optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize, to_file=False) else: return Activation( self.raw | a2.raw, optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize, to_file=self.data_format == "file" and a2.data_format == "file", ) @staticmethod def multi_logical_or(acs: List["Activation"], asarray: bool = False) -> Union["Activation", np.ndarray]: """Do LOGICAL OR on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time. If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray.""" available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 # In MB _ = acs[0].raw single_act_size = available_memory - psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 del _ expected_size = single_act_size * len(acs) * Activation.NCPUS * 1.1 # factor 1.1 is just for safety if available_memory < 2 * single_act_size: raise MemoryError( f"Not enough memory left to compute 'multi_logical_or'. Need at least 2x{single_act_size} MB," f" has only {available_memory} MB" ) if available_memory < expected_size: logger.warning( "Not enough memory to compute 'multi_logical_or' with all the vectors at once." " Will do it by pairs, taking more time but less memory." ) res = acs[0].raw for a in acs[1:]: res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).any(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) else: # noinspection PyProtectedMember try: res = np.vstack([a.raw for a in acs]).any(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) except (MemoryError, np.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError) as e: logger.warning(str(e)) res = acs[0].raw for a in acs[1:]: res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).any(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) if asarray: return res return Activation( res, optimize=all([a.optimize for a in acs]), to_file=all([a.data_format == "file" for a in acs]), ) def __xor__(self, a2: "Activation") -> "Activation": """Logcial EXCLUSIVE OR of two activation vectors. Only valid if both have the same length. Both vectors DO NOT need to have the same format.""" if self.length != a2.length: raise ValueError(f"Activations have different lengths. Left is {self.length}, right is {a2.length}") if (self.data_format == "bitarray" and a2.data_format == "bitarray") or ( self.data_format == "integer" and a2.data_format == "integer" ): # gains time by not using raw return Activation( ^, optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize, to_file=False) else: return Activation( self.raw ^ a2.raw, optimize=self.optimize and a2.optimize, to_file=self.data_format == "file" and a2.data_format == "file", ) @staticmethod def multi_logical_xor(acs: List["Activation"], asarray: bool = False) -> Union["Activation", np.ndarray]: """Do LOGICAL EXCLUSIVE OR on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time. If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray.""" if len(acs) == 1: return Activation(acs[0].raw, optimize=acs[0].optimize, to_file=acs[0].data_format == "file") lor = Activation.multi_logical_or(acs, True) nland = -(Activation.multi_logical_and(acs, True) - 1) res = lor & nland.astype(np.ubyte) if asarray: return res return Activation( res, optimize=all([a.optimize for a in acs]), to_file=all([a.data_format == "file" for a in acs]), ) def __add__(self, other: "Activation") -> "Activation": """Synonym of logical OR""" return self or other def __sub__(self, other: "Activation") -> "Activation": """Logical EXCLUSIVE OR then logical AND""" return (self ^ other) & self """ Other methods """ def __copy__(self) -> "Activation": if self.data_format == "integer": return Activation(copy(, optimize=self.optimize, length=self.length) return Activation(copy(, optimize=self.optimize, to_file=self.data_format == "file") def clear(self): """Fill Activation with zeros""" data = np.zeros(self.length) self._reset_data_related_attributes() self._init_with_raw(data, Activation.DTYPE) def delete(self): """Deletes the activation vector's data, either by deleting the local file or by calling del on In the later case, is reset to None.""" if self.data_format == "file": if else: del = None def __len__(self): """Number of points in the vector""" return self.length def __contains__(self, other: "Activation") -> bool: intersection = self & other nones_intersection = intersection.nones intersection.delete() if nones_intersection < min(self.nones, other.nones): return False return True def get_correlation(self, other: "Activation") -> float: """Computes the correlation between self and other Correlation is the number of points in common between the two vectors divided by their length. Both vectors must have the same length. """ if not len(self) == len(other): raise ValueError("Both vectors must have the same length") common_points = np.count_nonzero(self.raw == other.raw) return common_points / len(self) """ Conversions to raw methods""" def to_raw_from_any(self, activation, out: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Converts any format among integer, bitarray, compressed string or compressed array to raw activation vector np.ndarray""" if isinstance(activation, bitarray): raw = self._bitarray_to_raw(activation, out=out) elif isinstance(activation, int): raw = self._integer_to_raw(activation, out=out) elif isinstance(activation, (str, np.ndarray)): raw = self._decompress(activation, raw=True, out=out) else: raise TypeError( f"An activation can only be a np.ndarray, and bitarray, a str or an integer. Got" f" {type(activation)}." ) return raw def _read(self, path: Optional[TransparentPath] = None, out: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Read a raw activation vector's np.ndarray, either from given path, or from In that case, will raise ValueError if self.data_format is not "file". If out is not True or value is None, will set: * self._sizeof_raw * self._nones * self._time_read * self._sizeof_file * self._sizeof_path Will iterate self._n_read """ if path is None: out = False if not self.data_format == "file": raise ValueError("Activation vector was not saved locally : can not read it.") path = t0 = time() with open(path, "rb") as f: # noinspection PyTypeChecker value = np.load(f) if not out: if self._sizeof_raw == -1: self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6 if self._nones is None: self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1) stat = path.stat() if isinstance(stat, dict): self._sizeof_file = stat["st_size"] / 1e6 else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self._sizeof_file = stat.st_size / 1e6 self._sizeof_path = sys.getsizeof( / 1e6 self._time_read = time() - t0 self._n_read += 1 self.loaded = True return value def _integer_to_raw(self, value: Optional[int] = None, out: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """From a value of the form 45786542 (int), which is the base 10 representation of the binary form of an activation vector, returns the raw np.ndarray vector of the form [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, ...]. If out is not True or value is None, will set: * self._sizeof_integer * self._sizeof_raw * self._time_integer_to_raw * self._nones Will iterate : * self._n_integer_to_raw """ t0 = time() if value is None: out = False if self.data_format == "file": value = self._read(out=False) else: value = if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and (len(value) == 0 or value[-1] == 0 or value[-1] == 1): if not out: self._time_integer_to_raw = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_raw += 1 return value if isinstance(value, (bitarray, np.ndarray, str, Path)): raise TypeError("Can not apply _integer_to_raw on a bitarray, raw, compressed or a path") if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError(f"Invalid format {type(value)}") act = np.fromiter(bin(value)[2:], dtype=np.ubyte) if not out: self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6 if len(act) > self.length: raise ValueError( "After using _integer_to_raw, I ended up with an activation vector bigger than the specified " "max length. This should not happend as the max length should have been set by the indexing " "of x earlier in your code" ) act_bis = np.zeros(self.length).astype(np.ubyte) act_bis[self.length - len(act):] = act if not out: self._sizeof_raw = act_bis.nbytes / 1e6 self._time_integer_to_raw = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_raw += 1 if self._nones is None: self._nones = np.count_nonzero(act_bis == 1) return act_bis def _bitarray_to_raw(self, value: Union[bitarray, Path] = None, out=True) -> np.ndarray: """Transforms a bitarray to a np.ndarray If out is not True or value is None, will set: * self._sizeof_bitarray * self._sizeof_raw * self._time_bitarray_to_raw * self._nones Will iterate : * self._n_bitarray_to_raw """ t0 = time() if value is None: out = False if self.data_format == "file": value = self._read(out=False) else: value = if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and (len(value) == 0 or value[-1] == 0 or value[-1] == 1): if not out: self._time_bitarray_to_raw = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_raw += 1 return value if isinstance(value, (int, np.ndarray, str, Path)): raise TypeError("Can not apply _bitarray_to_raw on a raw, integer, compressed or a path") if not isinstance(value, bitarray): raise TypeError(f"Invalid format {type(value)}") act = np.array(list(value), dtype=np.ubyte) if not out: if self._sizeof_raw == -1: self._sizeof_raw = act.nbytes / 1e6 if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1: self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6 self._time_bitarray_to_raw = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_raw += 1 return act def _decompress( self, value: Union[str, np.ndarray, Path] = None, raw=True, out=True ) -> Union[np.ndarray, bitarray, int]: """From a compressed array of either str or np.ndarray format, will return the raw np.ndarray vector of the form [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, ...] If raw is True (default), returns it as a np.ndarray, else as a bitarray If out is False or value is None, will set: * self._time_compressed_to_raw * self._sizeof_compressed_str or _sizeof_compressed_array * self._sizeof_raw * self._nones Will iterate : * self._n_compressed_to_raw raw if False and Activation.WILL_COMPARE is True/False: * self._time_compressed_to_integer/bitarray * self._sizeof_nteger/bitarray Will iterate : * self._n_compressed_to_nteger/bitarray """ t0 = time() if value is None: out = False if self.data_format == "file": value = self._read(out=False) else: value = if isinstance(value, (int, bitarray, Path)): raise TypeError("Can not apply _decompress on a bitarray, integer or Path") if not isinstance(value, (str, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError(f"Invalid format {type(value)}") if len(value) == 0: if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): # is already raw if not out: self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6 if self._nones is None: self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1) return value else: if not out: self._sizeof_raw = np.array([]).nbytes / 1e6 self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6 if self._nones is None: self._nones = 0 return np.array([]) if value[-1] == 0 or value[-1] == 1: # is already raw if value.dtype != np.ubyte: # Saves memory value = value.astype(np.ubyte) if not out: self._sizeof_raw = value.nbytes / 1e6 if self._nones is None: self._nones = np.count_nonzero(value == 1) return value if isinstance(value, str): act = ast.literal_eval(value) if not out: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(value) / 1e6 elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): act = value if not out: self._sizeof_compressed_array = value.nbytes / 1e6 else: raise TypeError(f"'value' can not be of type {type(value)}") length = act[-1] s = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.ubyte) previous_value = 0 previous_index = 0 if act[0] == 1: previous_value = 1 s[0] = 1 if len(act) == 2: if act[0] == 1: s = np.ones(length, dtype=np.ubyte) else: for index in act[1:]: if previous_value == 0: previous_index = index previous_value = 1 else: s[previous_index:index] = np.ones(index - previous_index) previous_index = index previous_value = 0 s = np.array(s, dtype=np.ubyte) if not out: if self._sizeof_raw == -1: self._sizeof_raw = s.nbytes / 1e6 self._time_compressed_to_raw = time() - t0 self._n_compressed_to_raw += 1 if self._nones is None: self._nones = np.count_nonzero(s == 1) if raw: act = s fmt = "raw" elif Activation.WILL_COMPARE: t1 = time() act = self._raw_to_integer(s) if not out: self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_integer += 1 fmt = "integer" else: t1 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker act = self._raw_to_bitarray(s) if not out: self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1 fmt = "bitarray" if not out: if fmt == "integer": # noinspection PyTypeChecker if self._sizeof_integer == -1: self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(act) / 1e6 self._time_compressed_to_integer = time() - t0 self._n_compressed_to_integer += 1 elif fmt == "bitarray": # noinspection PyTypeChecker if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1: self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(act) / 1e6 self._time_compressed_to_bitarray = time() - t0 self._n_compressed_to_bitarray += 1 return act """ Conversions from raw methods""" @staticmethod def _compress(value: Union[np.ndarray, str], dtype: type = str) -> Union[np.ndarray, str]: """Transforms a raw or bitarray activation vector to a compressed one. A compressed vector is a collection of integers starting by the initial value of the raw vector (0 or 1) and ending with its length. The other integers in the compression are the positions in the raw vector where the vector value changes. This stores all the information and saves up memory if the vector is constant over large periods of time. The compressed vector can be stored as a str looking like "0, 12, 456, ..., 47782" or as a numpy array of integers. What storage to use is specified by the "dtype" argument. """ if isinstance(value, (int, bitarray)): raise TypeError("Can not compress an integer vector") if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or (len(value) > 0 and value[-1] != 0 and value[-1] != 1): if isinstance(value, str) and dtype != str: return np.array(value.split(",")).astype(np.ubyte) return value if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): # not ubyte (unsigned byte), because np.diff will produce negative value that ubyte can not handle value = value.astype(np.byte) if len(value) == 0: return np.array([]) else: raise TypeError(f"Can not compress a {type(value)}") to_ret = [value[0]] diff_arr = abs(np.diff(value)) to_ret += list(np.where(diff_arr == 1)[0] + 1) to_ret.append(len(value)) if dtype == str: to_ret = str(to_ret).replace(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "") else: if to_ret[-1] < MAX_INT_32: to_ret = np.array(to_ret, dtype="int32") else: to_ret = np.array(to_ret, dtype="int64") return to_ret @staticmethod def _raw_to_bitarray(value: np.ndarray) -> bitarray: """Casts a raw activation vector into a bitarray, dividing its size in MO by 8.""" if isinstance(value, bitarray): return value elif not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or (len(value) > 0 and value[-1] != 0 and value[-1] != 1): raise TypeError("Can not use _raw_to_bitarray on a compressed vector") elif isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("Can not use _raw_to_bitarray on a integer vector") # noinspection PyTypeChecker return bitarray(value.tolist()) @staticmethod def _raw_to_integer(value: np.ndarray) -> int: """Casts a raw activation vector into the integer represented by its binary form, dividing its size in MO by 8. Examples -------- >>> from ruleskit import Activation >>> Activation._raw_to_integer(np.array([0, 1, 1, 0])) 6 # the binary number '0110' is 6 in base 10 """ if isinstance(value, int): return value elif not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or (len(value) > 0 and value[-1] != 0 and value[-1] != 1): raise TypeError("Can not use _raw_to_integer or a compressed vector") elif isinstance(value, bitarray): raise TypeError("Can not use _raw_to_integer on a bitarray vector") to_ret = int("".join(str(i) for i in value.astype(np.ubyte)), 2) return to_ret """properties""" @property def ones(self) -> np.ndarray: """ones is the list of indexes where the vector is 1 Contrary to other @properties, do not store 'ones' in self, for it can be quit large : several MB or more. When running codes with millions of vector, this can be problematic.""" raw = self.raw ones = np.where(raw == 1)[0].tolist() return ones @property def nones(self) -> int: """nones is the number of points where the activation vector is 1 self._nones might not be set since it can only be set at object creation if the full array was given or accessed at some point """ if self._nones is None: _ = self.raw # calling raw will compute nones if self._coverage is None: self._coverage = self._nones / self.length return self._nones @property def entropy(self) -> int: """The entropy of the vector is the length of its compressed reprensentation : the number of times it switched from 1 to 0 and vice versa, plus 1 for the information about its initial value, and again 1 for the Information about its size. Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it. If entropy is ocmputed here, will set: * self._time_bitarray_to_compressed or self._time_integer_to_compressed * self._sizeof_compressed_str or self._sizeof_compressed_array * self._entropy (you don't say) * self._rel_entropy Will iterate : * self._n_bitarray_to_compressed or self._n_integer_to_compressed """ if self._entropy is None: t0 = time() fmt = self.data_format if self.data_format == "file": data = self._read(out=False) fmt = "raw" else: data = if fmt == "bitarray": # noinspection PyTypeChecker data = self._bitarray_to_raw(data, out=False) compressed = self._compress(data) self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1 elif fmt == "integer": # noinspection PyTypeChecker data = self._integer_to_raw(data, out=False) compressed = self._compress(data) self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1 elif fmt == "raw": compressed = self._compress(data) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Entropy should have been computed already if format is {fmt}") if self.data_format == "compressed_str": self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(compressed) / 1e6 if self.data_format == "compressed_array": self._sizeof_compressed_array = compressed.nbytes / 1e6 self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(compressed)) if self._rel_entropy is None: self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length return self._entropy @property def rel_entropy(self) -> float: """Relative entropy is the entropy divided by the length of the raw np.ndarray vector Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it. """ if self._rel_entropy is None: _ = self.entropy # will set self._rel_entropy return self._rel_entropy @property def coverage(self) -> float: """Coverage is the fraction of points equal to 1 in the vector Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it. """ if self._coverage is None: _ = self.nones # will set self._coverage return self._coverage """Method to access various formats""" @property def raw(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the raw np.ndarray. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" if not self.loaded: activation = self._read(out=False) self._init_with_any(activation, length=None, to_file=True) if self.data_format == "raw": # noinspection PyTypeChecker return elif self.data_format == "bitarray": return self._bitarray_to_raw(out=False) elif self.data_format == "integer": return self._integer_to_raw(out=False) elif self.data_format == "file": return self._read(out=False) elif "compressed" in self.data_format: return self._decompress(out=False) else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}") @property def as_bitarray(self) -> bitarray: """Returns the bitarray representation of the vector""" if self.data_format == "file": data = self._read(out=False) t0 = time() to_ret = self._raw_to_bitarray(data) self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1 if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1: self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif self.data_format == "raw": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = self._raw_to_bitarray( self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1 if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1: self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif self.data_format == "bitarray": # noinspection PyTypeChecker return elif self.data_format == "integer": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker s = bin([2:] if len(s) != self.length: s = "0" * (self.length - len(s)) + s to_ret = bitarray(s) self._time_integer_to_bitarray = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_bitarray += 1 if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1: self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif "compressed" in self.data_format: wc = Activation.WILL_COMPARE Activation.WILL_COMPARE = False to_ret = self._decompress(raw=False, out=False) Activation.WILL_COMPARE = wc return to_ret else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}") @property def as_integer(self) -> int: """Returns the integer representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" if self.data_format == "file": data = self._read(out=False) t0 = time() to_ret = self._raw_to_integer(data) self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_integer += 1 if self._sizeof_integer == -1: self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif self.data_format == "raw": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = self._raw_to_integer( self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_integer += 1 if self._sizeof_integer == -1: self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif self.data_format == "integer": # noinspection PyTypeChecker return elif self.data_format == "bitarray": t0 = time() to_ret = int(str("bitarray(", "").replace(")", "").replace("'", "").replace('"', ""), 2) self._time_bitarray_to_integer = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_integer += 1 self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif "compressed" in self.data_format: wc = Activation.WILL_COMPARE Activation.WILL_COMPARE = True to_ret = self._decompress(raw=False, out=False) Activation.WILL_COMPARE = wc return to_ret else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}") @property def as_compressed(self) -> Union[str]: """Returns the compressed str representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" return self.as_compressed_str @property def as_compressed_array(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the compressed array representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" if self.data_format == "raw": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = self._compress(, dtype=np.ndarray) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "compressed_array": to_ret = if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "compressed_str": # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = np.array(ast.literal_eval( if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "integer": t0 = time() raw = self.raw t1 = time() to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=np.ndarray) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "bitarray": t0 = time() raw = self.raw t1 = time() to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=np.ndarray) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "file": data = self._read(out=False) t0 = time() to_ret = self._compress(data, dtype=np.ndarray) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}") self._entropy = len(to_ret) if self._rel_entropy is None: self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length return to_ret @property def as_compressed_str(self) -> str: """Returns the compressed str representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" if self.data_format == "raw": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = self._compress(, dtype=str) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "compressed_str": to_ret = if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "compressed_array": to_ret = str(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "") if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "integer": t0 = time() raw = self.raw t1 = time() to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=str) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "bitarray": t0 = time() raw = self.raw t1 = time() to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=str) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "file": t0 = time() data = self._read(out=False) to_ret = self._compress(data, dtype=str) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}") self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(to_ret)) if self._rel_entropy is None: self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length return to_ret @property def sizeof_path(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the path object, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_path == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format self._write(self.raw) = data self.data_format = fmt return self._sizeof_path @property def sizeof_file(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the path object, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_file == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format self._write(self.raw) = data self.data_format = fmt return self._sizeof_file @property def sizeof_raw(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of raw np.ndarray vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.raw to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.raw return self._sizeof_raw @property def sizeof_bitarray(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the vector in bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_bitarray to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.as_bitarray return self._sizeof_bitarray @property def sizeof_integer(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the vector in integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_integer to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.as_integer return self._sizeof_integer @property def sizeof_compressed_array(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the vector in compressed array, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compressed_array to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.as_compressed_array return self._sizeof_compressed_array @property def sizeof_compressed_str(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the vector in compressed str, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compressed_str to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.as_compressed_str return self._sizeof_compressed_str @property def time_write(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to write the vector to a file, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_write == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format self._write(self.raw) = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_write @property def time_read(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to read the vector to a file, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_read == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format self._write(self.raw) _ = self._read(, out=False) = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_read @property def time_raw_to_compressed(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to compress the vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_raw_to_compressed == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.raw self.data_format = "raw" _ = self.as_compressed = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_raw_to_compressed @property def time_raw_to_integer(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds go from raw to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._raw_to_integer to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_raw_to_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.raw self.data_format = "raw" _ = self.as_integer = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_raw_to_integer @property def time_raw_to_bitarray(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds go from raw to bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._raw_to_bitarray to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_raw_to_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.raw self.data_format = "raw" _ = self.as_bitarray = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_raw_to_bitarray @property def time_compressed_to_raw(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to compress the vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._decompress to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_compressed_to_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_compressed if isinstance(, str): self.data_format = "compressed_str" else: self.data_format = "compressed_array" _ = self.raw = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_compressed_to_raw @property def time_bitarray_to_raw(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to raw, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._bitarray_to_raw to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_bitarray_to_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_bitarray self.data_format = "bitarray" _ = self.raw = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_bitarray_to_raw @property def time_integer_to_raw(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from integer to raw, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._integer_to_raw to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_integer_to_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_integer self.data_format = "integer" _ = self.raw = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_integer_to_raw @property def time_compressed_to_bitarray(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from compressed to bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._decompress on self.as_compressed with 'raw=False' to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_compressed_to_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_compressed if isinstance(, str): self.data_format = "compressed_str" else: self.data_format = "compressed_array" _ = self.as_bitarray = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_compressed_to_bitarray @property def time_bitarray_to_compressed(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to compressed, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self.as_bitarray to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_bitarray_to_compressed == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_bitarray self.data_format = "bitarray" _ = self.as_compressed = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_bitarray_to_compressed @property def time_integer_to_compressed(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from integer to compressed, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self._integer_to_raw(self.as_integer) to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_integer_to_compressed == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_integer self.data_format = "integer" _ = self.as_compressed = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_integer_to_compressed @property def time_bitarray_to_integer(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self._integer_to_raw(self.as_integer) to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_bitarray_to_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_bitarray self.data_format = "bitarray" _ = self.as_integer = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_bitarray_to_integer @property def time_integer_to_bitarray(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_integer on self to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_integer_to_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_integer self.data_format = "integer" _ = self.as_bitarray = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_integer_to_bitarray @property def time_compressed_to_integer(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from compressed to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compress on to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_compressed_to_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_compressed if isinstance(, str): self.data_format = "compressed_str" else: self.data_format = "compressed_array" _ = self.as_integer = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_compressed_to_integer @property def n_written(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was written to disk.""" return self._n_written @property def n_read(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was read from disk.""" return self._n_read @property def n_raw_to_compressed(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from raw.""" return self._n_raw_to_compressed @property def n_compressed_to_raw(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to raw.""" return self._n_compressed_to_raw @property def n_raw_to_bitarray(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was formatted as bitarray.""" return self._n_raw_to_bitarray @property def n_raw_to_integer(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was formatted as integer.""" return self._n_raw_to_integer @property def n_bitarray_to_raw(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was deformatted from bitarray.""" return self._n_bitarray_to_raw @property def n_integer_to_raw(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was deformatted from integer.""" return self._n_integer_to_raw @property def n_bitarray_to_compressed(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from bitarray.""" return self._n_bitarray_to_compressed @property def n_integer_to_compressed(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from integer.""" return self._n_integer_to_compressed @property def n_compressed_to_bitarray(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to bitarray.""" return self._n_compressed_to_bitarray @property def n_compressed_to_integer(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer.""" return self._n_compressed_to_integer @property def n_bitarray_to_integer(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer.""" return self._n_bitarray_to_integer @property def n_integer_to_bitarray(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer.""" return self._n_integer_to_bitarray
- abc.ABC
Class variables
str(object='') -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.str() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to 'strict'.
Class methods
Static methods
def clean_files()
Removes activation vector files, if any.
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@classmethod def clean_files(cls): """Removes activation vector files, if any.""" if not cls.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR.is_dir(): return for path in cls.DEFAULT_TEMPDIR.glob("ACTIVATION_VECTOR_*.txt"): path.unlink()
def multi_logical_and(acs: List[ForwardRef('Activation')], asarray: bool = False) ‑> Union[Activation, numpy.ndarray]
Do LOGICAL AND on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time. If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray.
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@staticmethod def multi_logical_and(acs: List["Activation"], asarray: bool = False) -> Union["Activation", np.ndarray]: """Do LOGICAL AND on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time. If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray.""" available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 # In MB _ = acs[0].raw single_act_size = available_memory - psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 del _ expected_size = single_act_size * len(acs) * Activation.NCPUS * 1.1 # factor 1.1 is just for safety if available_memory < 2 * single_act_size: raise MemoryError( f"Not enough memory left to compute 'multi_logical_or'. Need at least 2x{single_act_size} MB," f" has only {available_memory} MB" ) if available_memory < expected_size: logger.warning( "Not enough memory to compute 'multi_logical_or' with all the vectors at once." " Will do it by pairs, taking more time but less memory." ) res = acs[0].raw for a in acs[1:]: res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).all(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) else: # noinspection PyProtectedMember try: res = np.vstack([a.raw for a in acs]).all(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) except (MemoryError, np.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError) as e: logger.warning(str(e)) res = acs[0].raw for a in acs[1:]: res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).all(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) if asarray: return res return Activation( res, optimize=all([a.optimize for a in acs]), to_file=all([a.data_format == "file" for a in acs]), )
def multi_logical_or(acs: List[ForwardRef('Activation')], asarray: bool = False) ‑> Union[Activation, numpy.ndarray]
Do LOGICAL OR on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time. If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray.
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@staticmethod def multi_logical_or(acs: List["Activation"], asarray: bool = False) -> Union["Activation", np.ndarray]: """Do LOGICAL OR on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time. If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray.""" available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 # In MB _ = acs[0].raw single_act_size = available_memory - psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1e6 del _ expected_size = single_act_size * len(acs) * Activation.NCPUS * 1.1 # factor 1.1 is just for safety if available_memory < 2 * single_act_size: raise MemoryError( f"Not enough memory left to compute 'multi_logical_or'. Need at least 2x{single_act_size} MB," f" has only {available_memory} MB" ) if available_memory < expected_size: logger.warning( "Not enough memory to compute 'multi_logical_or' with all the vectors at once." " Will do it by pairs, taking more time but less memory." ) res = acs[0].raw for a in acs[1:]: res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).any(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) else: # noinspection PyProtectedMember try: res = np.vstack([a.raw for a in acs]).any(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) except (MemoryError, np.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError) as e: logger.warning(str(e)) res = acs[0].raw for a in acs[1:]: res = np.vstack([res, a.raw]).any(axis=0).astype(np.ubyte) if asarray: return res return Activation( res, optimize=all([a.optimize for a in acs]), to_file=all([a.data_format == "file" for a in acs]), )
def multi_logical_xor(acs: List[ForwardRef('Activation')], asarray: bool = False) ‑> Union[Activation, numpy.ndarray]
Do LOGICAL EXCLUSIVE OR on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time. If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray.
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@staticmethod def multi_logical_xor(acs: List["Activation"], asarray: bool = False) -> Union["Activation", np.ndarray]: """Do LOGICAL EXCLUSIVE OR on many activation vectors at once. Uses raw np.ndarrays to gain time. If asarray is True, does not cast the result into an Activation object but returns the raw np.ndarray.""" if len(acs) == 1: return Activation(acs[0].raw, optimize=acs[0].optimize, to_file=acs[0].data_format == "file") lor = Activation.multi_logical_or(acs, True) nland = -(Activation.multi_logical_and(acs, True) - 1) res = lor & nland.astype(np.ubyte) if asarray: return res return Activation( res, optimize=all([a.optimize for a in acs]), to_file=all([a.data_format == "file" for a in acs]), )
Instance variables
var as_bitarray : bitarray.bitarray
Returns the bitarray representation of the vector
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@property def as_bitarray(self) -> bitarray: """Returns the bitarray representation of the vector""" if self.data_format == "file": data = self._read(out=False) t0 = time() to_ret = self._raw_to_bitarray(data) self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1 if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1: self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif self.data_format == "raw": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = self._raw_to_bitarray( self._time_raw_to_bitarray = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_bitarray += 1 if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1: self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif self.data_format == "bitarray": # noinspection PyTypeChecker return elif self.data_format == "integer": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker s = bin([2:] if len(s) != self.length: s = "0" * (self.length - len(s)) + s to_ret = bitarray(s) self._time_integer_to_bitarray = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_bitarray += 1 if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1: self._sizeof_bitarray = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif "compressed" in self.data_format: wc = Activation.WILL_COMPARE Activation.WILL_COMPARE = False to_ret = self._decompress(raw=False, out=False) Activation.WILL_COMPARE = wc return to_ret else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}")
var as_compressed : str
Returns the compressed str representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def as_compressed(self) -> Union[str]: """Returns the compressed str representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" return self.as_compressed_str
var as_compressed_array : numpy.ndarray
Returns the compressed array representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def as_compressed_array(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the compressed array representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" if self.data_format == "raw": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = self._compress(, dtype=np.ndarray) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "compressed_array": to_ret = if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "compressed_str": # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = np.array(ast.literal_eval( if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "integer": t0 = time() raw = self.raw t1 = time() to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=np.ndarray) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "bitarray": t0 = time() raw = self.raw t1 = time() to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=np.ndarray) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_array = to_ret.nbytes / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "file": data = self._read(out=False) t0 = time() to_ret = self._compress(data, dtype=np.ndarray) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}") self._entropy = len(to_ret) if self._rel_entropy is None: self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length return to_ret
var as_compressed_str : str
Returns the compressed str representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def as_compressed_str(self) -> str: """Returns the compressed str representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" if self.data_format == "raw": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = self._compress(, dtype=str) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "compressed_str": to_ret = if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "compressed_array": to_ret = str(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "") if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "integer": t0 = time() raw = self.raw t1 = time() to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=str) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "bitarray": t0 = time() raw = self.raw t1 = time() to_ret = self._compress(raw, dtype=str) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t1 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1 if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1: self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 elif self.data_format == "file": t0 = time() data = self._read(out=False) to_ret = self._compress(data, dtype=str) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}") self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(to_ret)) if self._rel_entropy is None: self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length return to_ret
var as_integer : int
Returns the integer representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def as_integer(self) -> int: """Returns the integer representation of the vector. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" if self.data_format == "file": data = self._read(out=False) t0 = time() to_ret = self._raw_to_integer(data) self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_integer += 1 if self._sizeof_integer == -1: self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif self.data_format == "raw": t0 = time() # noinspection PyTypeChecker to_ret = self._raw_to_integer( self._time_raw_to_integer = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_integer += 1 if self._sizeof_integer == -1: self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif self.data_format == "integer": # noinspection PyTypeChecker return elif self.data_format == "bitarray": t0 = time() to_ret = int(str("bitarray(", "").replace(")", "").replace("'", "").replace('"', ""), 2) self._time_bitarray_to_integer = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_integer += 1 self._sizeof_integer = sys.getsizeof(to_ret) / 1e6 return to_ret elif "compressed" in self.data_format: wc = Activation.WILL_COMPARE Activation.WILL_COMPARE = True to_ret = self._decompress(raw=False, out=False) Activation.WILL_COMPARE = wc return to_ret else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}")
var coverage : float
Coverage is the fraction of points equal to 1 in the vector Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it.
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@property def coverage(self) -> float: """Coverage is the fraction of points equal to 1 in the vector Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it. """ if self._coverage is None: _ = self.nones # will set self._coverage return self._coverage
var entropy : int
The entropy of the vector is the length of its compressed reprensentation : the number of times it switched from 1 to 0 and vice versa, plus 1 for the information about its initial value, and again 1 for the Information about its size. Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it.
If entropy is ocmputed here, will set: * self._time_bitarray_to_compressed or self._time_integer_to_compressed * self._sizeof_compressed_str or self._sizeof_compressed_array * self._entropy (you don't say) * self._rel_entropy Will iterate : * self._n_bitarray_to_compressed or self._n_integer_to_compressed
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@property def entropy(self) -> int: """The entropy of the vector is the length of its compressed reprensentation : the number of times it switched from 1 to 0 and vice versa, plus 1 for the information about its initial value, and again 1 for the Information about its size. Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it. If entropy is ocmputed here, will set: * self._time_bitarray_to_compressed or self._time_integer_to_compressed * self._sizeof_compressed_str or self._sizeof_compressed_array * self._entropy (you don't say) * self._rel_entropy Will iterate : * self._n_bitarray_to_compressed or self._n_integer_to_compressed """ if self._entropy is None: t0 = time() fmt = self.data_format if self.data_format == "file": data = self._read(out=False) fmt = "raw" else: data = if fmt == "bitarray": # noinspection PyTypeChecker data = self._bitarray_to_raw(data, out=False) compressed = self._compress(data) self._time_bitarray_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_bitarray_to_compressed += 1 elif fmt == "integer": # noinspection PyTypeChecker data = self._integer_to_raw(data, out=False) compressed = self._compress(data) self._time_integer_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_integer_to_compressed += 1 elif fmt == "raw": compressed = self._compress(data) self._time_raw_to_compressed = time() - t0 self._n_raw_to_compressed += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Entropy should have been computed already if format is {fmt}") if self.data_format == "compressed_str": self._sizeof_compressed_str = sys.getsizeof(compressed) / 1e6 if self.data_format == "compressed_array": self._sizeof_compressed_array = compressed.nbytes / 1e6 self._entropy = len(ast.literal_eval(compressed)) if self._rel_entropy is None: self._rel_entropy = self._entropy / self.length return self._entropy
var n_bitarray_to_compressed : int
Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from bitarray.
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@property def n_bitarray_to_compressed(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from bitarray.""" return self._n_bitarray_to_compressed
var n_bitarray_to_integer : int
Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer.
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@property def n_bitarray_to_integer(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer.""" return self._n_bitarray_to_integer
var n_bitarray_to_raw : int
Returns the number of time the vector was deformatted from bitarray.
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@property def n_bitarray_to_raw(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was deformatted from bitarray.""" return self._n_bitarray_to_raw
var n_compressed_to_bitarray : int
Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to bitarray.
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@property def n_compressed_to_bitarray(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to bitarray.""" return self._n_compressed_to_bitarray
var n_compressed_to_integer : int
Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer.
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@property def n_compressed_to_integer(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer.""" return self._n_compressed_to_integer
var n_compressed_to_raw : int
Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to raw.
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@property def n_compressed_to_raw(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to raw.""" return self._n_compressed_to_raw
var n_integer_to_bitarray : int
Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer.
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@property def n_integer_to_bitarray(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was decompressed to integer.""" return self._n_integer_to_bitarray
var n_integer_to_compressed : int
Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from integer.
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@property def n_integer_to_compressed(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from integer.""" return self._n_integer_to_compressed
var n_integer_to_raw : int
Returns the number of time the vector was deformatted from integer.
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@property def n_integer_to_raw(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was deformatted from integer.""" return self._n_integer_to_raw
var n_raw_to_bitarray : int
Returns the number of time the vector was formatted as bitarray.
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@property def n_raw_to_bitarray(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was formatted as bitarray.""" return self._n_raw_to_bitarray
var n_raw_to_compressed : int
Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from raw.
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@property def n_raw_to_compressed(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was compressed from raw.""" return self._n_raw_to_compressed
var n_raw_to_integer : int
Returns the number of time the vector was formatted as integer.
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@property def n_raw_to_integer(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was formatted as integer.""" return self._n_raw_to_integer
var n_read : int
Returns the number of time the vector was read from disk.
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@property def n_read(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was read from disk.""" return self._n_read
var n_written : int
Returns the number of time the vector was written to disk.
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@property def n_written(self) -> int: """Returns the number of time the vector was written to disk.""" return self._n_written
var nones : int
nones is the number of points where the activation vector is 1 self._nones might not be set since it can only be set at object creation if the full array was given or accessed at some point
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@property def nones(self) -> int: """nones is the number of points where the activation vector is 1 self._nones might not be set since it can only be set at object creation if the full array was given or accessed at some point """ if self._nones is None: _ = self.raw # calling raw will compute nones if self._coverage is None: self._coverage = self._nones / self.length return self._nones
var ones : numpy.ndarray
ones is the list of indexes where the vector is 1 Contrary to other @properties, do not store 'ones' in self, for it can be quit large : several MB or more. When running codes with millions of vector, this can be problematic.
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@property def ones(self) -> np.ndarray: """ones is the list of indexes where the vector is 1 Contrary to other @properties, do not store 'ones' in self, for it can be quit large : several MB or more. When running codes with millions of vector, this can be problematic.""" raw = self.raw ones = np.where(raw == 1)[0].tolist() return ones
var raw : numpy.ndarray
Returns the raw np.ndarray. Will set relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def raw(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the raw np.ndarray. Will set relevant profiling attributes.""" if not self.loaded: activation = self._read(out=False) self._init_with_any(activation, length=None, to_file=True) if self.data_format == "raw": # noinspection PyTypeChecker return elif self.data_format == "bitarray": return self._bitarray_to_raw(out=False) elif self.data_format == "integer": return self._integer_to_raw(out=False) elif self.data_format == "file": return self._read(out=False) elif "compressed" in self.data_format: return self._decompress(out=False) else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown activation format {self.data_format}")
var rel_entropy : float
Relative entropy is the entropy divided by the length of the raw np.ndarray vector Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it.
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@property def rel_entropy(self) -> float: """Relative entropy is the entropy divided by the length of the raw np.ndarray vector Like self._nones, it might not have been computed yet. In that case, compute it. """ if self._rel_entropy is None: _ = self.entropy # will set self._rel_entropy return self._rel_entropy
var sizeof_bitarray : float
Returns the size in MB of the vector in bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_bitarray to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def sizeof_bitarray(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the vector in bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_bitarray to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.as_bitarray return self._sizeof_bitarray
var sizeof_compressed_array : float
Returns the size in MB of the vector in compressed array, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compressed_array to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def sizeof_compressed_array(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the vector in compressed array, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compressed_array to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_compressed_array == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.as_compressed_array return self._sizeof_compressed_array
var sizeof_compressed_str : float
Returns the size in MB of the vector in compressed str, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compressed_str to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def sizeof_compressed_str(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the vector in compressed str, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compressed_str to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_compressed_str == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.as_compressed_str return self._sizeof_compressed_str
var sizeof_file : float
Returns the size in MB of the path object, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def sizeof_file(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the path object, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_file == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format self._write(self.raw) = data self.data_format = fmt return self._sizeof_file
var sizeof_integer : float
Returns the size in MB of the vector in integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_integer to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def sizeof_integer(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the vector in integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_integer to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.as_integer return self._sizeof_integer
var sizeof_path : float
Returns the size in MB of the path object, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def sizeof_path(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of the path object, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_path == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format self._write(self.raw) = data self.data_format = fmt return self._sizeof_path
var sizeof_raw : float
Returns the size in MB of raw np.ndarray vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.raw to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def sizeof_raw(self) -> float: """Returns the size in MB of raw np.ndarray vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.raw to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._sizeof_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: _ = self.raw return self._sizeof_raw
var time_bitarray_to_compressed : float
Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to compressed, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self.as_bitarray to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_bitarray_to_compressed(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to compressed, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self.as_bitarray to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_bitarray_to_compressed == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_bitarray self.data_format = "bitarray" _ = self.as_compressed = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_bitarray_to_compressed
var time_bitarray_to_integer : float
Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self._integer_to_raw(self.as_integer) to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_bitarray_to_integer(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self._integer_to_raw(self.as_integer) to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_bitarray_to_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_bitarray self.data_format = "bitarray" _ = self.as_integer = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_bitarray_to_integer
var time_bitarray_to_raw : float
Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to raw, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._bitarray_to_raw to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_bitarray_to_raw(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to raw, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._bitarray_to_raw to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_bitarray_to_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_bitarray self.data_format = "bitarray" _ = self.raw = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_bitarray_to_raw
var time_compressed_to_bitarray : float
Returns the time in seconds to go from compressed to bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._decompress on self.as_compressed with 'raw=False' to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_compressed_to_bitarray(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from compressed to bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._decompress on self.as_compressed with 'raw=False' to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_compressed_to_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_compressed if isinstance(, str): self.data_format = "compressed_str" else: self.data_format = "compressed_array" _ = self.as_bitarray = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_compressed_to_bitarray
var time_compressed_to_integer : float
Returns the time in seconds to go from compressed to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compress on to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_compressed_to_integer(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from compressed to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_compress on to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_compressed_to_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_compressed if isinstance(, str): self.data_format = "compressed_str" else: self.data_format = "compressed_array" _ = self.as_integer = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_compressed_to_integer
var time_compressed_to_raw : float
Returns the time in seconds to compress the vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._decompress to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_compressed_to_raw(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to compress the vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._decompress to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_compressed_to_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_compressed if isinstance(, str): self.data_format = "compressed_str" else: self.data_format = "compressed_array" _ = self.raw = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_compressed_to_raw
var time_integer_to_bitarray : float
Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_integer on self to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_integer_to_bitarray(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from bitarray to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self.as_integer on self to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_integer_to_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_integer self.data_format = "integer" _ = self.as_bitarray = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_integer_to_bitarray
var time_integer_to_compressed : float
Returns the time in seconds to go from integer to compressed, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self._integer_to_raw(self.as_integer) to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_integer_to_compressed(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from integer to compressed, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress on self._integer_to_raw(self.as_integer) to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_integer_to_compressed == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_integer self.data_format = "integer" _ = self.as_compressed = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_integer_to_compressed
var time_integer_to_raw : float
Returns the time in seconds to go from integer to raw, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._integer_to_raw to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_integer_to_raw(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to go from integer to raw, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._integer_to_raw to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_integer_to_raw == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.as_integer self.data_format = "integer" _ = self.raw = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_integer_to_raw
var time_raw_to_bitarray : float
Returns the time in seconds go from raw to bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._raw_to_bitarray to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_raw_to_bitarray(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds go from raw to bitarray, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._raw_to_bitarray to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_raw_to_bitarray == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.raw self.data_format = "raw" _ = self.as_bitarray = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_raw_to_bitarray
var time_raw_to_compressed : float
Returns the time in seconds to compress the vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_raw_to_compressed(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to compress the vector, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._compress to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_raw_to_compressed == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.raw self.data_format = "raw" _ = self.as_compressed = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_raw_to_compressed
var time_raw_to_integer : float
Returns the time in seconds go from raw to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._raw_to_integer to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_raw_to_integer(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds go from raw to integer, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to call self._raw_to_integer to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_raw_to_integer == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format = self.raw self.data_format = "raw" _ = self.as_integer = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_raw_to_integer
var time_read : float
Returns the time in seconds to read the vector to a file, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_read(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to read the vector to a file, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_read == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format self._write(self.raw) _ = self._read(, out=False) = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_read
var time_write : float
Returns the time in seconds to write the vector to a file, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.
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@property def time_write(self) -> float: """Returns the time in seconds to write the vector to a file, or -1 if it does not exist. In that case and if Activation.FORCE_STAT is True, will force the object to write the file to compute the relevant profiling attributes.""" if self._time_write == -1 and Activation.FORCE_STAT: data = fmt = self.data_format self._write(self.raw) = data self.data_format = fmt return self._time_write
def clear(self)
Fill Activation with zeros
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def clear(self): """Fill Activation with zeros""" data = np.zeros(self.length) self._reset_data_related_attributes() self._init_with_raw(data, Activation.DTYPE)
def delete(self)
Deletes the activation vector's data, either by deleting the local file or by calling del on In the later case, is reset to None.
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def delete(self): """Deletes the activation vector's data, either by deleting the local file or by calling del on In the later case, is reset to None.""" if self.data_format == "file": if else: del = None
def get_correlation(self, other: Activation) ‑> float
Computes the correlation between self and other Correlation is the number of points in common between the two vectors divided by their length. Both vectors must have the same length.
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def get_correlation(self, other: "Activation") -> float: """Computes the correlation between self and other Correlation is the number of points in common between the two vectors divided by their length. Both vectors must have the same length. """ if not len(self) == len(other): raise ValueError("Both vectors must have the same length") common_points = np.count_nonzero(self.raw == other.raw) return common_points / len(self)
def to_raw_from_any(self, activation, out: bool = True) ‑> numpy.ndarray
Converts any format among integer, bitarray, compressed string or compressed array to raw activation vector np.ndarray
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def to_raw_from_any(self, activation, out: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Converts any format among integer, bitarray, compressed string or compressed array to raw activation vector np.ndarray""" if isinstance(activation, bitarray): raw = self._bitarray_to_raw(activation, out=out) elif isinstance(activation, int): raw = self._integer_to_raw(activation, out=out) elif isinstance(activation, (str, np.ndarray)): raw = self._decompress(activation, raw=True, out=out) else: raise TypeError( f"An activation can only be a np.ndarray, and bitarray, a str or an integer. Got" f" {type(activation)}." ) return raw